Fragile X Syndrome & Associated Premutation Conditions Webinars

Here we present all webinars, including our conference panels and presentations, organized from newest to oldest. Please note that these are also all available on our various Fragile X syndrome and premutation topic pages.

NFXF Webinar Series: Gene Therapy & the FXS Community: A Review of Community Surveys

Jan 2, 2025|

In December 2024, the NFXF put on a webinar discussing gene therapy and the perspectives from those in the FX community. During this webinar, expert Dr. David Hampson laid the groundwork of understanding what gene therapy is, followed by three different groups - The Patrick Wild Centre, Mt. Siani Hospital, and the NFXF - presenting on their community surveys, which all aimed to understand the perspectives on gene therapy from the Fragile X community.

Lunch & Learn Series: “Mosaicism Type and Cognitive & Behavioral Functioning Among Males with FXS” and “Sleep Problems in FXS: Cross-Sectional Analysis of a Large Cohort”

Sep 16, 2024|

Dr. Elizabeth Berry-Kravis and Dr. Walter Kaufmann joined us for a 45-minute webinar where they presented on two of the "top 10 most-cited articles" in the American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A. Presentations were then followed by a moderated Q&A.

Employment Strategies and Successes — Webinar

Nov 2, 2023|

In celebration of National Disability Employment Awareness Month, we were joined by a dynamic panel that shared strategies and their individual employment successes! Meaningful employment is important to parents and self-advocates!

  • Monthly Education Webinar Series: 2023 Industry Update. Presentations by: Tetra Therapeutics, Zynerba Pharmaceuticals, and Allios Pharma. September 19, 2023, 7 pm ET.

2023 Industry Updates — Webinar

Sep 27, 2023|

The NFXF hosted a Fragile X research updates webinar with three of our industry partners working on treatments for Fragile X syndrome. Each shared the most up-to-date information on their research project(s) in a way that is understood by those who aren’t steeped in drug research day in and day out. A short Q&A followed each presentation.

  • Two doctors and a moderator speaking on a zoom panel discussion

Reproductive Health — Webinar

Sep 6, 2023|

Drs. Heather Hipp and Victoria Wilkins joined us for an informative webinar on the topic of Reproductive health. This is a broad topic, covering the physical and emotional components of areas like puberty, sexuality, reproductive options, and family planning.

  • Screenshot of a Zoom webinar featuring four women

Education Strategies for Success — Webinar

Aug 21, 2023|

Educational strategies are not just helpful for school-aged children! The one-hour Q&A panel discussion, moderated by Hilary Rosselot, includes panelists with expertise and suggestions to support individuals living with Fragile X throughout the lifespan! 

Fragile X Medications — Panel

Jul 17, 2022|

Hilary Rosselot moderates this discussion on medications for Fragile X with an expert panel that includes Drs. Elizabeth Berry-Kravis, Craig A. Erickson, Randi J. Hagerman, Reymundo Lozano, and Nicole Tartaglia.

  • Dr. Lauren Schmitt is a licensed clinical psychologist with extensive training in cognitive functioning in individuals with neurodevelopmental disorders.

How Many Times Is He Going to Ask That? Perseverative Questioning and Other Behavioral Inflexibility in FXS — Presentation

Jul 16, 2022|

Dr. Lauren Schmitt, a licensed clinical psychologist with extensive training in cognitive functioning in individuals with neurodevelopmental disorders, discusses how behavioral inflexibility is likened to being stuck — a state in which the individual is unable to move on from a current behavior or thought.

  • Keynote panel on the state of the industry.

2022 Industry Updates — Presentation

Jul 15, 2022|

It's time for our 2022 FXS industry insights. Moderated by Hilary Rosselot, explore research, insights, clinical trials, discussions, and more with presentations by Stela Filipovic-Sadic from Asurage, Stephen O’Quinn from Zynerba Pharmaceuticals, Chad Coberly from Tetra Therapeutics, and Wayne Chadwick from Healx.

  • Brenda Finucane speaking on the genetics of Fragile X disorders.

The Genetics of Fragile X Disorders

Apr 28, 2021|

Many thanks to Brenda Finucane for this webinar to help each of us understand the genetics of Fragile X. Brenda is a professor and licensed genetic counselor at Geisinger’s Autism and Developmental Medicine Institute in Lewisburg, PA.

  • Dr. Braden presentation on female power and Fragile X syndrome.

Female Power to Fight a Crisis — Presentation

May 8, 2020|

Females living with Fragile X syndrome were asked to give advice to other females living with FXS on how to cope with this — or any future — crisis. Listen as Marcia talks through their advice and her own advice, built on decades of working with patients with Fragile X syndrome.

  • Child stacking Legos while playing on the floor.

My Child is Home… Now What?? Play Skills

Apr 7, 2020|

In this webinar, Rebecca Shaffer guides us through some pointers about how to build play skills while your children are at home, and some great resources for thinking through different play opportunities while they’re at home.

Genetics 101: Fragile X Inheritance — Webinar

May 22, 2017|

Whether you’re a newly-diagnosed family in the fragile X community or have been living with the diagnosis for several years, please join us as we speak with Brenda Finucane (Geisinger, ADMI Associate Director & Professor) about the nuts and bolts of Fragile X inheritance.

Fragile X Premutation With Dr. Randi Hagerman — Webinar

Feb 1, 2017|

Our very own founder, Dr. Randi Hagerman of the UC Davis MIND Institute, joins us to discuss issues in Fragile X premutation carriers. Needless to say, she is a major force in research for Fragile X and one of the biggest names in our field! Join us for a presentation and some time for Q&A!

  • Being Prepared for Adulthood.

NFXF Webinar: Being Prepared for Adulthood

Dec 15, 2016|

Dr. Yankowitz discusses the adult transitions you want to start planning well before your child ages out of services. Dr. Yankowitz has more than 30 years experience working with families of individuals with developmental disabilities.

Let's Talk FXS, Autism & Behavior with Tracy & Mouse

Nov 20, 2015|

Our favorite duo, Mouse & Tracy of Developmental FX, join us to discuss Fragile X, autism and behavior. As always, they provided insight and wonderful advice to our audience - and their presence is always a delight!

Let's Talk Fragile X Premutation Carriers and Health

Aug 4, 2015|

Fragile X premutation carriers have long expressed concern over issues they might be facing because of having the premutation. Only in recent years has research been making headway into the reality of premutation carrier issues.

Let's Talk Behavior and FXS

Jan 22, 2014|

Dr. Marcia Braden, licensed psychologist and noted Fragile X expert, leads our latest "Let's Talk" Webinar on Behavior. She begins with a presentation on "How Neurobiology Affects FXS Behavior", followed by a Q&A session from members who were part of the webinar.

Let's Talk Medication For Fragile X Syndrome

Jul 8, 2013|

Given the great number of medications in the market that address specific issues with fragile X syndrome, the world of treatment can be tough for parents and other caregivers to navigate. One of the most frequent questions they ask is, "Which medication is best for my child?" The National Fragile X Foundation is pleased to address this topic in the first of its series of "Let's Talk" webinars. "Let's Talk Medication for Fragile X Syndrome" features Dr. Craig Erickson, a noted Fragile X expert and medical director of the Fragile X Clinic in Cincinnati, Ohio.

These are all of our available conference panels and presentations.

Fragile X Medications — Panel

Jul 17, 2022|

Hilary Rosselot moderates this discussion on medications for Fragile X with an expert panel that includes Drs. Elizabeth Berry-Kravis, Craig A. Erickson, Randi J. Hagerman, Reymundo Lozano, and Nicole Tartaglia.

  • Dr. Lauren Schmitt is a licensed clinical psychologist with extensive training in cognitive functioning in individuals with neurodevelopmental disorders.

How Many Times Is He Going to Ask That? Perseverative Questioning and Other Behavioral Inflexibility in FXS — Presentation

Jul 16, 2022|

Dr. Lauren Schmitt, a licensed clinical psychologist with extensive training in cognitive functioning in individuals with neurodevelopmental disorders, discusses how behavioral inflexibility is likened to being stuck — a state in which the individual is unable to move on from a current behavior or thought.

  • Keynote panel on the state of the industry.

2022 Industry Updates — Presentation

Jul 15, 2022|

It's time for our 2022 FXS industry insights. Moderated by Hilary Rosselot, explore research, insights, clinical trials, discussions, and more with presentations by Stela Filipovic-Sadic from Asurage, Stephen O’Quinn from Zynerba Pharmaceuticals, Chad Coberly from Tetra Therapeutics, and Wayne Chadwick from Healx.

  • Dr. Braden presentation on female power and Fragile X syndrome.

Female Power to Fight a Crisis — Presentation

May 8, 2020|

Females living with Fragile X syndrome were asked to give advice to other females living with FXS on how to cope with this — or any future — crisis. Listen as Marcia talks through their advice and her own advice, built on decades of working with patients with Fragile X syndrome.

NFXF regularly schedules webinars for the Fragile X community. In addition, we share presentations and panel recordings from our biennial NFXF International Fragile X Conferences. If there are topics you’d like to see more resources for, we’d love to hear from you.

Please note that these are also all available on our various Fragile X syndrome and premutation topic pages.

All Webinars:  All recordings from our ongoing webinars series’ and NFXF International Fragile X Conference panels and presentations.

Conference Sessions:  NFXF International Fragile X Conference panels and presentations only.

Here we present all webinars, including our conference panels and presentations, organized from newest to oldest. Please note that these are also all available on our various Fragile X syndrome and premutation topic pages.

NFXF Webinar Series: Gene Therapy & the FXS Community: A Review of Community Surveys

Jan 2, 2025|

In December 2024, the NFXF put on a webinar discussing gene therapy and the perspectives from those in the FX community. During this webinar, expert Dr. David Hampson laid the groundwork of understanding what gene therapy is, followed by three different groups - The Patrick Wild Centre, Mt. Siani Hospital, and the NFXF - presenting on their community surveys, which all aimed to understand the perspectives on gene therapy from the Fragile X community.

Lunch & Learn Series: “Mosaicism Type and Cognitive & Behavioral Functioning Among Males with FXS” and “Sleep Problems in FXS: Cross-Sectional Analysis of a Large Cohort”

Sep 16, 2024|

Dr. Elizabeth Berry-Kravis and Dr. Walter Kaufmann joined us for a 45-minute webinar where they presented on two of the "top 10 most-cited articles" in the American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A. Presentations were then followed by a moderated Q&A.

Employment Strategies and Successes — Webinar

Nov 2, 2023|

In celebration of National Disability Employment Awareness Month, we were joined by a dynamic panel that shared strategies and their individual employment successes! Meaningful employment is important to parents and self-advocates!

  • Monthly Education Webinar Series: 2023 Industry Update. Presentations by: Tetra Therapeutics, Zynerba Pharmaceuticals, and Allios Pharma. September 19, 2023, 7 pm ET.

2023 Industry Updates — Webinar

Sep 27, 2023|

The NFXF hosted a Fragile X research updates webinar with three of our industry partners working on treatments for Fragile X syndrome. Each shared the most up-to-date information on their research project(s) in a way that is understood by those who aren’t steeped in drug research day in and day out. A short Q&A followed each presentation.

  • Two doctors and a moderator speaking on a zoom panel discussion

Reproductive Health — Webinar

Sep 6, 2023|

Drs. Heather Hipp and Victoria Wilkins joined us for an informative webinar on the topic of Reproductive health. This is a broad topic, covering the physical and emotional components of areas like puberty, sexuality, reproductive options, and family planning.

  • Screenshot of a Zoom webinar featuring four women

Education Strategies for Success — Webinar

Aug 21, 2023|

Educational strategies are not just helpful for school-aged children! The one-hour Q&A panel discussion, moderated by Hilary Rosselot, includes panelists with expertise and suggestions to support individuals living with Fragile X throughout the lifespan! 

Fragile X Medications — Panel

Jul 17, 2022|

Hilary Rosselot moderates this discussion on medications for Fragile X with an expert panel that includes Drs. Elizabeth Berry-Kravis, Craig A. Erickson, Randi J. Hagerman, Reymundo Lozano, and Nicole Tartaglia.

  • Dr. Lauren Schmitt is a licensed clinical psychologist with extensive training in cognitive functioning in individuals with neurodevelopmental disorders.

How Many Times Is He Going to Ask That? Perseverative Questioning and Other Behavioral Inflexibility in FXS — Presentation

Jul 16, 2022|

Dr. Lauren Schmitt, a licensed clinical psychologist with extensive training in cognitive functioning in individuals with neurodevelopmental disorders, discusses how behavioral inflexibility is likened to being stuck — a state in which the individual is unable to move on from a current behavior or thought.

  • Keynote panel on the state of the industry.

2022 Industry Updates — Presentation

Jul 15, 2022|

It's time for our 2022 FXS industry insights. Moderated by Hilary Rosselot, explore research, insights, clinical trials, discussions, and more with presentations by Stela Filipovic-Sadic from Asurage, Stephen O’Quinn from Zynerba Pharmaceuticals, Chad Coberly from Tetra Therapeutics, and Wayne Chadwick from Healx.

  • Brenda Finucane speaking on the genetics of Fragile X disorders.

The Genetics of Fragile X Disorders

Apr 28, 2021|

Many thanks to Brenda Finucane for this webinar to help each of us understand the genetics of Fragile X. Brenda is a professor and licensed genetic counselor at Geisinger’s Autism and Developmental Medicine Institute in Lewisburg, PA.

  • Dr. Braden presentation on female power and Fragile X syndrome.

Female Power to Fight a Crisis — Presentation

May 8, 2020|

Females living with Fragile X syndrome were asked to give advice to other females living with FXS on how to cope with this — or any future — crisis. Listen as Marcia talks through their advice and her own advice, built on decades of working with patients with Fragile X syndrome.

  • Child stacking Legos while playing on the floor.

My Child is Home… Now What?? Play Skills

Apr 7, 2020|

In this webinar, Rebecca Shaffer guides us through some pointers about how to build play skills while your children are at home, and some great resources for thinking through different play opportunities while they’re at home.

Genetics 101: Fragile X Inheritance — Webinar

May 22, 2017|

Whether you’re a newly-diagnosed family in the fragile X community or have been living with the diagnosis for several years, please join us as we speak with Brenda Finucane (Geisinger, ADMI Associate Director & Professor) about the nuts and bolts of Fragile X inheritance.

Fragile X Premutation With Dr. Randi Hagerman — Webinar

Feb 1, 2017|

Our very own founder, Dr. Randi Hagerman of the UC Davis MIND Institute, joins us to discuss issues in Fragile X premutation carriers. Needless to say, she is a major force in research for Fragile X and one of the biggest names in our field! Join us for a presentation and some time for Q&A!

  • Being Prepared for Adulthood.

NFXF Webinar: Being Prepared for Adulthood

Dec 15, 2016|

Dr. Yankowitz discusses the adult transitions you want to start planning well before your child ages out of services. Dr. Yankowitz has more than 30 years experience working with families of individuals with developmental disabilities.

Let's Talk FXS, Autism & Behavior with Tracy & Mouse

Nov 20, 2015|

Our favorite duo, Mouse & Tracy of Developmental FX, join us to discuss Fragile X, autism and behavior. As always, they provided insight and wonderful advice to our audience - and their presence is always a delight!

Let's Talk Fragile X Premutation Carriers and Health

Aug 4, 2015|

Fragile X premutation carriers have long expressed concern over issues they might be facing because of having the premutation. Only in recent years has research been making headway into the reality of premutation carrier issues.

Let's Talk Behavior and FXS

Jan 22, 2014|

Dr. Marcia Braden, licensed psychologist and noted Fragile X expert, leads our latest "Let's Talk" Webinar on Behavior. She begins with a presentation on "How Neurobiology Affects FXS Behavior", followed by a Q&A session from members who were part of the webinar.

Let's Talk Medication For Fragile X Syndrome

Jul 8, 2013|

Given the great number of medications in the market that address specific issues with fragile X syndrome, the world of treatment can be tough for parents and other caregivers to navigate. One of the most frequent questions they ask is, "Which medication is best for my child?" The National Fragile X Foundation is pleased to address this topic in the first of its series of "Let's Talk" webinars. "Let's Talk Medication for Fragile X Syndrome" features Dr. Craig Erickson, a noted Fragile X expert and medical director of the Fragile X Clinic in Cincinnati, Ohio.

These are all of our available conference panels and presentations.

Fragile X Medications — Panel

Jul 17, 2022|

Hilary Rosselot moderates this discussion on medications for Fragile X with an expert panel that includes Drs. Elizabeth Berry-Kravis, Craig A. Erickson, Randi J. Hagerman, Reymundo Lozano, and Nicole Tartaglia.

  • Dr. Lauren Schmitt is a licensed clinical psychologist with extensive training in cognitive functioning in individuals with neurodevelopmental disorders.

How Many Times Is He Going to Ask That? Perseverative Questioning and Other Behavioral Inflexibility in FXS — Presentation

Jul 16, 2022|

Dr. Lauren Schmitt, a licensed clinical psychologist with extensive training in cognitive functioning in individuals with neurodevelopmental disorders, discusses how behavioral inflexibility is likened to being stuck — a state in which the individual is unable to move on from a current behavior or thought.

  • Keynote panel on the state of the industry.

2022 Industry Updates — Presentation

Jul 15, 2022|

It's time for our 2022 FXS industry insights. Moderated by Hilary Rosselot, explore research, insights, clinical trials, discussions, and more with presentations by Stela Filipovic-Sadic from Asurage, Stephen O’Quinn from Zynerba Pharmaceuticals, Chad Coberly from Tetra Therapeutics, and Wayne Chadwick from Healx.

  • Dr. Braden presentation on female power and Fragile X syndrome.

Female Power to Fight a Crisis — Presentation

May 8, 2020|

Females living with Fragile X syndrome were asked to give advice to other females living with FXS on how to cope with this — or any future — crisis. Listen as Marcia talks through their advice and her own advice, built on decades of working with patients with Fragile X syndrome.

NFXF regularly schedules webinars for the Fragile X community. In addition, we share presentations and panel recordings from our biennial NFXF International Fragile X Conferences. If there are topics you’d like to see more resources for, we’d love to hear from you.

Please note that these are also all available on our various Fragile X syndrome and premutation topic pages.

All Webinars:  All recordings from our ongoing webinars series’ and NFXF International Fragile X Conference panels and presentations.

Conference Sessions:  NFXF International Fragile X Conference panels and presentations only.