With Will Bridges

Calling all fathers, papas, daddies, pop, and dads—Will Bridges discusses raising a child or children with Fragile X syndrome. Not sure how to explain Fragile X syndrome to a colleague? We’ve got you covered. Do you find yourself frustrated at home? We all do, and we have some ideas that may help.

Runtime: 1:21:59
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About the Speaker

Will Bridges

FX Dad from Houston, Texas & Sales Director for Unicat Catalyst Technologies (Americas)

Will and Laurie Bridges have a daughter, Caroline, who was diagnosed with Fragile X Syndrome when she was five years old.

Additional Resources

Daily Living & Fragile X Syndrome
Challenges faced by adults with Fragile X syndrome — and their caregivers — may include cognitive, learning, communication, and physical and medical issues. Difficulties in adulthood often begin with the transition from adolescence into adulthood and continue throughout their lives.