Contact Us

If you have questions, need help, or just want to share, we’re here Monday thru Friday, 9 AM to 5 PM ET, with the usual holidays as exceptions. We have a few options on how to reach us:

  1. Call us at (202) 594-8376 or toll-free at (800) 688-8765
  2. Send us an email
  3. Write us:
    National Fragile X Foundation
    1012 14th Street NW, Suite 500
    Washington, DC 20005
  4. Use our form below

However you decide to contact us, one of our team members will reply and help you with your questions and concerns. Please also scroll down to see more ways to connect.

Hilary Rosselot, Director, Research Facilitation

Hilary Rosselot

Jayne Dixon Weber, Director, Community Education

Anna DeSonia

Robby Miller, Director, Clinic & International Relations

Robby Miller

Amie Milunovich, FORWARD National Coordinator

Amie Milunovich

Amie Milunovich, FORWARD National Coordinator

Mandie Rush

Kristin Bogart, Director of Development

Kristin Bogart

Missy Zolecki, Director, Community Engagement

Missy Zolecki

Linda Sorensen, Executive Director

Kim Toman

Linda Sorensen, Executive Director

Jaleesa Holden

Our staff (shown here), board of directors, committee members, and other important partners are here to serve you and all those living and working with Fragile X. Learn more about the people behind the scenes at the NFXF.

If you have questions, need help, or just want to share, we’re here Monday thru Friday, 9 AM to 5 PM ET, with the usual holidays as exceptions.

  1. Call us at (202) 594-8376 or toll-free at (800) 688-8765
  2. Send us an email
  3. Write us:
    National Fragile X Foundation
    1012 14th Street NW, Suite 500
    Washington, DC 20005
  4. Use our form below

However you decide to contact us, one of our team members will reply and help you with your questions and concerns. Please also scroll down to see more ways to connect.

Meet Our Team ↓
Hilary Rosselot, Director, Research Facilitation

Hilary Rosselot

Kristin Bogart, Director of Development

Kristin Bogart

Jayne Dixon Weber, Director, Community Education

Jayne Dixon Weber

Missy Zolecki, Director, Community Engagement

Missy Zolecki

Robby Miller, Director, Clinic & International Relations

Robby Miller

Kim Toman

Kim Toman

Amie Milunovich, FORWARD National Coordinator

Amie Milunovich

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“Hang in there. There is a lot of help out there — seek it out. It can be a roller coaster at times but so worth it.”

—a fragile x mom