Featuring Panelists Kelley Dunphy, Hailey Silver, Josee Slama, and Paige Zolecki

Moderator: Abigail Gaunt
: 1:01:36

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About the Panelists

Kelley Dunphy

NFXF Sibling and Self-Advocate Network (SSAN)

Hailey Silver is a recent graduate of Teachers College at Columbia University, where she completed her master’s in Clinical Psychology with an emphasis on child psychology. She aims to obtain her doctorate in clinical psychology in the future and work with children with autism and intellectual and developmental disabilities such as Fragile X. She is also a sibling to her brother Justin who has Fragile X.

Hailey Silver, MA

Clinical Psychology MA Graduate, Teachers College Columbia University

Jessica Klusek is an associate professor at the University of South Carolina. Dr. Klusek received her doctoral degree in speech and hearing sciences from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She followed her doctoral training with an NIH-funded postdoctoral fellowship in psychology at the University of South Carolina where she completed interdisciplinary training in physiology, psychology, and genetics. Dr. Klusek is also a certified speech-language pathologist.

Josee Slama

South Dakota State University

Josee is a student at South Dakota State University.

Paige Zolecki

University of Florida

Paige is a college student at the University of Florida studying health sciences with the intent to continue on to graduate school for occupational therapy. Paige’s older brother, Matthew, is living with Fragile X syndrome. Paige brings a lifetime of experience in living and understanding Fragile X.


Abigail Gaunt

Assistant Dean of Students, Tulane Law School

Additional Resources

Daily Living & Fragile X Syndrome
Challenges faced by adults with Fragile X syndrome — and their caregivers — may include cognitive, learning, communication, and physical and medical issues. Difficulties in adulthood often begin with the transition from adolescence into adulthood and continue throughout their lives.