4 brothers 3 with Fragile X
I really don't know the story that well, my mom could probably share it better, but i wanted to tell it. My mom is the eldest of 4 brothers also the only one that doesn't [...]
Elise, 8 yrs old
Elise is 8 years old and full of life!! She is happy, bright and kind. Elise continues to thrive on her own and with educational/social intervention as needed. She takes her role as sister, cousin, [...]
Mick Phelps
Our son Mick was diagnosed with FXS a year ago, just before his 2nd birthday. I had never heard of FXS nor was I aware that I carried the gene. Mick is the youngest of [...]
Pride and joy
I have 2 grandsons with Fragile X. I'm so very proud of them. PJ just graduated from 8th grade and will be going into high school. Hunter will be going into the 8th grade. They [...]
Dylan Ray Gillis
Dylan was diagnosed when he was 3 1/2 years old with Fragile X Syndrome, today he 20 years old. He graduated with the Class of 2010 from Choctaw High School, in Choctaw Oklahoma. He loves [...]
Sweet Caroline
Our Sweet Caroline is now 8 yrs. old and amazing! She has a smile that lights up a room. She has a passion for life that many envy. Her joy is contagious. She told me [...]
Fragile X – Just a diagnosis!
I knew at age 4 months that Calvin was different. My son did not meet any of the typical milestones for a baby his age. He rarely cried, often forgot to breath and was quite [...]
aleX the eXtraordinary!
Alex is my six-year old grandson. He was diagnosed with Fragile X (fully mutated), and autism, among other things. I have had guardianship of him since he was almost three. When he came to live [...]