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The NFXF Blog


Our Fragile X World adds over $7,000 to NFXF

By |Sep 29, 2011|

We've previously announced Our Fragile X World through our social media accounts, our Fragile Xtras e-newsletter and the NFXF Quarterly. Our Fragile X World is a community of families and researchers dedicated to using survey [...]

2nd Annual Hat Party

By |Sep 13, 2011|

National Fragile X Foundation Board Member Deborah Kwan is hosting the 2nd Annual Hat Party to benefit the NFXF. Come wearing your favorite hat for a night of drinks, appetizers, and dancing!  The Northern California [...]

Spotlight Group: Fragile X Families of SW Chicago

By |Aug 30, 2011|

The Fragile X Families of SW Chicago is a newly formed and very active parent support group headed by LINKS Leader, Missy Zolecki. Missy and her husband, Mark have been married for almost 13 years.  [...]


By |Aug 20, 2011|

My son Alex was diagnosed with Fragile X syndrome at the age of 2 and half years of age and i was scared to death and new nothing about it. I later found out that [...]


By |Aug 10, 2011|

My two babies are now 12 year old Margaux and 9 1/2 year old Garrick and what a wicked ride! We get to spend 6 weeks each summer driving from Florida to Massachusetts and Maine [...]

Boy to a man Jermaine smith

By |Aug 9, 2011|

Jermaime is now 23 he has a job and love to socialize. He has many friends, love talking on the phone and going out. He is the the oldest of four sons. He is loved [...]

Every body knows Jermaine and Jamie

By |Aug 9, 2011|

Jermine and jamie grow up to be such a wonderful young men 23 and 18 both love church and love to socialize every where we they both know someone. They are both loved by two [...]

My Extra Special Day

By |Jul 31, 2011|

I have had the joy of watching you grow into an amazing young woman. Thank you for being my extra special daughter and sister to your brother. We are proud of you and all that [...]

Focus on Fundraisers: July

By |Jul 29, 2011|

Congratulations to some very special Awareness Day Fundraisers:Carmelina's Wine TastingOn Sunday, July 24th, the Fragile X Resource Group of Western Massachusetts gathered at Carmelina's restaurant for appetizers and wine to promote Fragile X Awareness.  Guests [...]

Spotlight on LINKS Group: Families for Fragile X

By |Jul 29, 2011|

When their son Matthew was diagnosed with Fragile X at the age of 14 months Michele & Paul Kaplan's world crumbled.  Thankfully, they were able to attend the International Fragile X Conference in Atlanta two [...]