Fragile X – Just a diagnosis!
I knew at age 4 months that Calvin was different. My son did not meet any of the typical milestones for a baby his age. He rarely cried, often forgot to breath and was quite [...]
aleX the eXtraordinary!
Alex is my six-year old grandson. He was diagnosed with Fragile X (fully mutated), and autism, among other things. I have had guardianship of him since he was almost three. When he came to live [...]
David Allen and Special Olympics!
David has always been very athletic and plays every sport that Special Olympics sponsors. I was not surprised that he was front and center in the photo accepting the check for the group that he [...]
My Co-Worker: Sam Jacob
This is Sam Jacob, he is my co-worker at at the National Fragile X Foundation, and he is one of the coolest dudes I know. No, scratch that. He is THE coolest dude I know. [...]
Fragile By Design
Sam Blackwood is a wonderful 2 year old boy who tries hard to please and just as quickly test us with his limits and boundaries. He loves anything that moves and likes to be in [...]
The Loganator
Logan is almost 3 years old, and was diagnosed 1 year ago. He is the sweetest, happiest little guy you could ever meet. He loves to smile and laugh, loves watching Yo Gabba Gabba, swinging, [...]
Our Amazing Children
Alicia is 10 and Lucas is 5. Both full mutation. Both kids were diagnosed a few months ago. It was a hard pill to swallow but we were so glad to finally have a diagnosis. [...]
A Double Blessing!
My husband and I were shocked to learn at my nineteen week ultra sound that we were having twin boys. I gave birth to two seven pound babies on October 21, 2008, named Alexander and [...]
Being the best person you can be.
I think it is important for everyone to be the best person that they can be. It doesn't matter what your abilities are. Every person in this world has a place in it, and can [...]
Nathaniel Snyder
My son Nathaniel (5) has Fragile X.
Destination: DISNEYLAND!
Daniel Steiger is 25. He has attended a day-program since 'graduating' in 2005. Daniel also volunteers with local Sheriff's Departments to help paint over graffiti. When asked what he wants for his birthday or Christmas, all Daniel [...]