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The NFXF Blog


How Do You Say I Love You?

By |Jan 23, 2012|

We have a special little project just around the corner and need your help! We all show and say I love you in many different ways - We want to see how you and your [...]

Study of Fragile X Treatment Preferences

By |Jan 12, 2012|

RTI International RTI International{{1}}, an independent, nonprofit research organization, is conducting an important study. The purpose of this study is to better understand the views of people who provide care to a son or [...]

The Flu and Fragile X Syndrome

By |Jan 11, 2012|

MMWR Article: Severe Influenza Among Children and Young Adults with Neurologic and Neurodevelopmental Conditions — Ohio, 2011 CDC published a new report in MMWR: “Severe Influenza Among Children and Young Adults with Neurologic and Neurodevelopmental [...]

Focus on Fundraisers: December

By |Dec 29, 2011|

2011 Annual Fund Since 1984, the NFXF has made it a goal to always be looking forward. Whether we are providing support and information for a newly diagnosed family, advocating each year for federal funding [...]

Help us reach our goal!

By |Dec 28, 2011|

Thanks to our generous and loyal supporters, we are currently ahead of schedule to reach our goal for the 2011 Annual Fund! If you have not yet donated, you can help us reach 2012 [...]

Introducing the Keeping All Students Safe Act

By |Dec 20, 2011|

Senator Tom Harkin (D-IA), Chairman of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee, introduced the Keeping All Students Safe Act, a bill to protect students from ineffective and dangerous seclusion and restraint practices in [...]

Welcome Sharon Kidd to our team

By |Dec 19, 2011|

We'd like to welcome Sharon Kidd, PhD to our team at the NFXF. Sharon joined us a few weeks ago and will serve as the National Coordinator of the Fragile X Clinical & Research Consortium's [...]

Transitioning Forward (Part 1 of 2)

By |Dec 19, 2011|

In Part One of our two-part series, we interview two different parents whose children are moving forward in their lives. Melissa Street's son Jesse is transitioning into a typical classroom, and Carolyn Jackson's two daughters [...]

Study recruitment: Parent Mediated Language Intervention for Young Children with FXS

By |Dec 17, 2011|

Young children with Fragile X syndrome and their biological mothers are being recruited to participate in a language intervention study conducted by the research team of Dr. Leonard Abbeduto at the MIND Institute, University of California-Davis. Children should be between 2- and 6-years of age and have little spoken language. The project will teach mothers to interact with their children in ways that support communication and language development.