Our oldest son Matt(10) was diagnosed at birth, something we thought we had avoided through some advanced reproductive technology. After the initial shock, we decided we were chosen for our sweet boy. He had the most amazing blue eyes and infectious smile. We wanted more children. We were blessed with Paige and Jack. They were born without FXS and are amazing kids, who love their big brother, but still fight just like typical siblings!

We do not view Fragile X negatively. We view it as an opportunity. It has brought many people and opportunitiesWe do not view Fragile X negatively.
We view it as an opportunity.
into our lives that most likely would not have been there if we did not have our Fragile X diagnosis. We celebrate the little accomplishments. Matt loves golf, swimming and baseball. He enjoys being with his friends, watching movies, playing on the computer and going to Disney World. He idolizes his Grandpa, “Papa Hun” and his dog Kelly. His eyes light up even just thinking about them!

Although he has many challenges, his life is filled with lots of joy, smiles and laughter! We are fortunate to be chosen to be the parents of 3 incredible children! We are working very hard to educate and bring awareness about Fragile X. Our goal is that when we say Fragile X we will no longer get the question Fragile What?