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1 06, 2017


By |2023-04-10T13:50:57-04:00Jun 1, 2017|Comments Off on Resources

Living With Fragile X Resources Fragile X Clinics & IDEA Many Fragile X Clinics are opening across the United States and around the world. Clinics can guide parents to medication options that may [...]

10 05, 2017

Visiting the Dentist

By |2023-06-14T16:19:05-04:00May 10, 2017|Behavior|Comments Off on Visiting the Dentist

I learned pretty quickly that visits to a dentist were going to be a challenge for my son, Ian. I demonstrated the process over and over again. I helped him brush his teeth, encouraged him to brush his own teeth, tried different toothbrushes and toothpaste. I needed Bonnie.

15 03, 2017

Living Settings for Adults with FXS

By |2023-03-12T22:15:11-04:00Mar 15, 2017|Adolescents and Adults, Adulthood, FXS|Comments Off on Living Settings for Adults with FXS

As your child grows into a young adult, you may consider independent or semi-independent living settings. There are a variety of living settings across the United States for people with developmental disabilities.

26 10, 2016

You Are Never Too Old to Wear a Pink Tutu . . . and Other Lessons Our Son Has Taught Our Family

By |2023-06-14T16:00:32-04:00Oct 26, 2016|Daily Living, Education|Comments Off on You Are Never Too Old to Wear a Pink Tutu . . . and Other Lessons Our Son Has Taught Our Family

Like many of you, I will always remember the day and time when I received the diagnosis of our son, Ian. Fragile X syndrome – never heard of it. These are the lessons my family has learned since that time.

3 02, 2016

Getting and Keeping a Job

By |2023-03-12T08:46:49-04:00Feb 3, 2016|Adulthood, Treatment and Intervention|Comments Off on Getting and Keeping a Job

It was late summer and Ian was 18 years old and he was getting ready to start the transition program at his high school, a program for students 18-21 years old after they graduate from high school. I had to figure out how to make this work.

11 06, 2015

Get to Know Your Local Firefighters

By |2023-06-14T16:14:22-04:00Jun 11, 2015|Daily Living, Education|Comments Off on Get to Know Your Local Firefighters

Getting to know your local firefighters can help you and your children with Fragile X syndrome in so many more ways than you think. Read about how to engage with them and how it will help your family.

28 05, 2015

Preparing for Your Child’s Individualized Education Program (IEP)

By |2023-03-13T14:12:31-04:00May 28, 2015|Education|Comments Off on Preparing for Your Child’s Individualized Education Program (IEP)

Going to an IEP meeting was always an emotional experience for me. After a couple of years of meetings with a group of people—teachers, psychologists, administrators—who had obviously already made many decisions regarding my son ... I decided to make some changes.

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