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15 12, 2016

NFXF Webinar: Being Prepared for Adulthood

By |2023-12-21T00:49:42-05:00Dec 15, 2016|Adulthood, Webinar|Comments Off on NFXF Webinar: Being Prepared for Adulthood

Dr. Yankowitz discusses the adult transitions you want to start planning well before your child ages out of services. Dr. Yankowitz has more than 30 years experience working with families of individuals with developmental disabilities.

9 04, 2013

A New World of Fragile X Resources

By |2013-04-09T21:51:56-04:00Apr 9, 2013|Annoucements, Fragile Xtras|Comments Off on A New World of Fragile X Resources

The communications world is moving faster than ever now that you can access information right at your fingertips, whether by smartphone, tablet, or computer on your lap or your desk. That’s why the National Fragile [...]

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