Advocacy Day Social Story
Our own Jayne Dixon Weber pulled together a social story to use to help you and your self-advocate prepare for the NFXF Advocacy Day on February 24, 2021.
The Fragile X Premutation Registry is Now International
When we first launched the registry in November 2020, we weren’t yet able to accept non-U.S. registrants. There’s a lot of regulations and standards to work through on a project like this, but now we are truly living up to our name!
What are Federal Budgets and Why They Matter
What is the President's budget, is it important for Fragile X advocacy, and how does Fragile X research get funded? These are all answered here.
PFDD Meeting Community Forum
The Patient-Focused Drug Development (PFDD) meeting on Fragile X syndrome is just around the corner! We need caregivers and self-advocates to participate to make this a valuable meeting. This will help you understand what to expect and what the goal is and how to share your story.
What Does a New Congress Mean for Advocacy
As the Biden Administration takes office and Congress switches control, what does it mean for NFXF Fragile X Advocacy efforts?
Is the COVID-19 Vaccine Safe for Individuals with Fragile X?
Dr. Craig Erickson, director of the Cincinnati Fragile X Research and Treatment Center at the Cincinnati Children's Hospital, received his first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine tells us why it’s safe.
Survey: Share Your Experience With Telehealth and Services During COVID
Parents or caregivers of individuals with Fragile X syndrome who has received services via telehealth during the COVID-19 pandemic may be eligible to participate.
Cortical Gyrification and Its Relationships With Molecular Measures and Cognition in Children With the FMR1 Premutation
Jun Yi Wang and the study team out of the UC Davis MIND Institute are interested in learning more about the premutation carrier condition in relations to brain development and its impact on cognition. These mental processes impact the higher-level functions of the brain including language, learning new things, and making decisions.
Telehealth-Enabled Behavioral Treatment for Problem Behaviors in Boys With Fragile X Syndrome: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Dr. Hall and his team at Stanford University are learning about potential behavioral treatments for problem behaviors. Previous research suggests that problem behaviors, like aggression, self-injury, and property destruction, may occur at higher rates in individuals with FXS.
A Genotype-Phenotype Study of High-Resolution FMR1 Nucleic Acid and Protein Analyses in Fragile X Patients with Neurobehavioral Assessments
We know that FMRP is expressed throughout our body, including our blood, tissues, and brain. Levels of FMRP in the blood of patients with FXS have been positively correlated with cognitive performance, specifically intelligence quotient and adaptive behavior.
Fragile X Advocacy in 2021
Gregg Harper discusses NFXF advocacy successes from 2020, 2021 Advocacy Day, and more.
The good stuff from 2020 (no really there is some)
I like to talk about #pandemicPositive – there is plenty that has been hard(er) this year, but we have also seen lots of good. So, I polled my fellow staff members for some examples of the impact we all made this year through your support.