In the latest in the NFXF Webinar Series, Dr. Tracy King, medical officer in the Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Branch of the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD), and representatives from each of the current Centers.

We heard from the following presenters as they shared their promising research and collaborations:

  • Peter Todd and Emily Allen on behalf of Baylor College of Medicine and University of Michigan Medical School
  • Peng Jin on behalf of Fragile X Center at Emory University
  • Craig Erickson on behalf of Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center

The Centers for Collaborative Research in Fragile X and FMR1-related Conditions Program supports research to improve the diagnosis and treatment of Fragile X syndrome (FXS) and its related conditions. These Centers are geared toward stimulating multidisciplinary, multi-institutional research, with the common goal of facilitating the translation of basic research findings from bench to bedside and bedside to community.

The program is administered through NICHD’s Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Branch (IDDB). The branch initially funded three Centers in fiscal year 2003 in response to the Children’s Health Act of 2000.

How to Watch

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