Faces of Fragile X

Fragile X syndrome is an inherited intellectual and developmental disability, and each individual is — well, individual. They are Xtraordinary in their own way.

Below are just a sampling of individuals with Fragile X — a gallery we call Faces of Fragile X. Click on each photo to learn more about them. And, remember, one day you may meet someone with Fragile X syndrome, or you may already know someone. They may be shy, anxious, have difficulty making eye contact, and have short attention spans, but they want to be social. They want to be your friend. Be friendly, patient, and talk to them. They will warm your heart.

Learn more about Fragile X syndrome and support Fragile X awareness, education, and research with a donation.

The Hoeser Family

By |2017-07-31T15:33:29-04:00Jun 30, 2011|Faces of Fragile X|

Hello Fellow Fragile X Families, We are the Hoeser family. We live in Illinois. Our son Joey has Fragile X syndrome. He is now 26 yrs old. Joey has come a long way in his [...]

One of a Kind

By |2017-07-31T15:33:28-04:00Jun 30, 2011|Faces of Fragile X|

Samantha loves collecting things. Whether it's shells on a beach, or rocks on a trail, she will spend hours searching for that special prize. Many, many pencils and erasers have also been collected and are [...]

Sweet Surprise

By |2017-07-31T15:33:27-04:00Jun 30, 2011|Faces of Fragile X|

Toby just turned two at the end of May and he is a sweet and happy addition to our family. I knew I was a carrier so we chose to adopt our older sons, but [...]


By |2017-07-31T15:33:27-04:00Jun 30, 2011|Faces of Fragile X|

Meet Ian, 7; Avery, 5; and Benjamin, 4.  Each diagnosed with full mutation Fragile X.  Each very unique and wonderful in who they are.  Ian has come further than we ever imagined he would after [...]

A Miracle We Never Expected

By |2017-07-31T15:33:26-04:00Jun 30, 2011|Faces of Fragile X|

Peter, age 3, in the orange sweater vest, has full mutation FX with endless possibilities to achieve all that he dreams. Peter has an infectious smile and heart that could warm the Arctic. His older [...]

Masons World

By |2017-07-31T15:33:25-04:00Jun 30, 2011|Faces of Fragile X|

Mason is a happy energetic 9 year old boy. He puts a smile on anyone's face once they get to know him. He is very curious about all life around him. Mason gets in to [...]

The love of my life

By |2017-07-31T15:33:25-04:00Jun 30, 2011|Faces of Fragile X|

This is our son Hunter Wilhite, he is 9 years old. He was diagnosed with Fragile X at an early age, and we were devastated. After years of grieving and feeling sorry for ourselves, we [...]

Evyn Anderson

By |2017-07-31T15:33:24-04:00Jun 30, 2011|Faces of Fragile X|

Evyn is 9 and full of life. His favorite hobby is puzzles. He loves to swim and ride his bike and go to church. Life is a new adventure every day. Fragile X Syndrome is [...]

My Amazing Son

By |2017-07-31T15:33:23-04:00Jun 30, 2011|Faces of Fragile X|

Zac is an amazing 13 year old who can do anything he sets his mind to. He loves so unconditionally it's amazing. He was diagnosed when he was a little over 3 years old after [...]

My Three Sons

By |2017-07-31T15:33:22-04:00Jun 30, 2011|Faces of Fragile X|

I have three sons my two older sons are affected by FXS , Kyle is 14- he just graduated from middle school and will be attending our local high school next year. He is also [...]

FX Achievement

By |2017-07-31T15:33:21-04:00Jun 29, 2011|Faces of Fragile X|

I'm Chelsea Owens and I'm 19, soon to be 20 in September and I was diagnosed with the full mutation of FX when I was 7 years old. I'm not severely affected by it. I attended [...]

A Tribute To My Brother

By |2017-07-31T15:33:19-04:00Jun 29, 2011|Faces of Fragile X|

My brother, Albert Guerrero was born on January 23, 1943 and was a treasure to our family and everyone who knew him. He was not diagnosed with Fragile X until 1988. He was diagnosed with [...]

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