Faces of Fragile X

Fragile X syndrome is an inherited intellectual and developmental disability, and each individual is — well, individual. They are Xtraordinary in their own way.

Below are just a sampling of individuals with Fragile X — a gallery we call Faces of Fragile X. Click on each photo to learn more about them. And, remember, one day you may meet someone with Fragile X syndrome, or you may already know someone. They may be shy, anxious, have difficulty making eye contact, and have short attention spans, but they want to be social. They want to be your friend. Be friendly, patient, and talk to them. They will warm your heart.

Learn more about Fragile X syndrome and support Fragile X awareness, education, and research with a donation.

Jack the teacher

By |2017-07-31T15:33:08-04:00Jun 28, 2011|Faces of Fragile X|

When our son Jackson was diagnosed with Fragile X Syndrome before his third birthday, we went through many emotions. It took awhile to accept that "God doesn't give you anything you cannot handle" and "Everything [...]

One gift

By |2017-07-31T15:33:08-04:00Jun 28, 2011|Faces of Fragile X|

My name is Winston and I'm 6 years old. While my family gives me lots of presents for Christmas, I most enjoy loving on my younger brother, Spencer. It is the one gift I can [...]

Focused on his future

By |2017-07-31T15:33:07-04:00Jun 28, 2011|Faces of Fragile X|

We found out our oldest child Jacob had Fragile X syndrome 3 days after his 3rd birthday in October of 2003. Shortly afterward we discovered his little sister Samantha had the full mutation too... she [...]

A Special Sibling Bond

By |2017-07-31T15:33:06-04:00Jun 28, 2011|Faces of Fragile X|

Josh is a 17 year old, happy and charming young man... one of the kindest and most compassionate teenagers I have ever known. He is severely affected with Fragile X syndrome and Autism and I [...]

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