Your Gift Today Makes a Difference for Families Living with Fragile X!

In a world where there are no effective treatments for Fragile X syndrome and still much to learn about Fragile X-associated premutation conditions like FXTAS and FXPOI, families are continuously searching for reliable information to support their day-to-day lives.
For 40 years, the NFXF has been an essential and trusted resource, assisting families living with Fragile X across their lifespan, as well as the professionals who strive to serve them throughout their careers.

Here’s how your gift to the NFXF Makes a Difference

“If not for the National Fragile X Foundation, we would never have been exposed to a treatment for Wally that has so positively changed our family’s life. Join us in supporting the NFXF!”
—The Schutz Family
We are honored to hold the highest ratings with third-party non-profit certification organizations GuideStar↗ and Charity Navigator↗.
The National Fragile X Foundation is registered as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Contributions to NFXF are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. The NFXF’s tax identification number is 84-0960471.