Planning for Emergency Events at School

By |2023-03-13T14:11:50-04:00Apr 12, 2017|Education, Treatment and Intervention|

With the anxiety and hyperarousal seen in children with Fragile X syndrome, it is important to plan for emergency events at your child’s school – a fire in the building and severe weather events, such as a tornado, a hurricane, a local fire, a chemical spill, etc. Lockdowns are discussed separately. If at all possible, develop a plan ahead of time, ideally at your child's IEP. If that is not possible, ask for a meeting to discuss this first thing of the school year.

Western Massachusetts Hosts Rollerskating Event

By |2017-04-07T11:30:42-04:00Apr 7, 2017|Community Support Network, Western Massachusetts|

[mpc_image preset="preset_2" image="27485" margin_divider="true" margin_css="margin-bottom:15px;" image_size="700_thumb" image_opacity="100" image_inner_border_gap="0" effect="none" image_hover_opacity="100" mpc_ribbon__disable="true" animation_in_type="transition.expandIn" animation_in_offset="100" animation_in_duration="1200" animation_in_delay="600"]On April 2, Western Massachusetts Fragile X hosted a rollerskating event for local families. The event was private, and to ensure [...]

Will You Do Anything for Fragile X?

By |2021-02-03T10:14:47-05:00Apr 4, 2017|AnythingForFragileX|

Someone you care about lives with Fragile X. That person is your child, grandchild, brother, sister, nephew, cousin, friend, classmate or co-worker. That’s why you’re here. Today, we’re asking you if you would do #AnythingForFragileX!

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