Research and Treatment Development for FXTAS

By |2024-09-03T10:14:25-04:00Sep 3, 2024||

The National Ataxia Foundation and the National Fragile X Foundation are excited to partner on a webinar series about FXTAS! Do you or a loved one have a FXTAS? Dr. David Hessl will teach us how Fragile X-associated tremor/ataxia syndrome (FXTAS) is studied and give an overview of the current state of research and drug development for the disease.

Genetic Counseling

By |2021-10-05T11:58:06-04:00Sep 24, 2018|

The Who, What & How for Genetic CounselingWho Should Seek Out a Genetic Counselor?Anyone who has:Been identified as being a “Fragile X carrier” or has positive, inconclusive, or in any way unusual Fragile X testing [...]

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