Faces of Fragile X

Fragile X syndrome is an inherited intellectual and developmental disability, and each individual is — well, individual. They are Xtraordinary in their own way.

Below are just a sampling of individuals with Fragile X — a gallery we call Faces of Fragile X. Click on each photo to learn more about them. And, remember, one day you may meet someone with Fragile X syndrome, or you may already know someone. They may be shy, anxious, have difficulty making eye contact, and have short attention spans, but they want to be social. They want to be your friend. Be friendly, patient, and talk to them. They will warm your heart.

Learn more about Fragile X syndrome and support Fragile X awareness, education, and research with a donation.

My Extra Special Day

By |2017-07-31T15:34:54-04:00Jul 31, 2011|Faces of Fragile X|

I have had the joy of watching you grow into an amazing young woman. Thank you for being my extra special daughter and sister to your brother. We are proud of you and all that [...]

Cody Man

By |2017-07-31T15:34:54-04:00Jul 25, 2011|Faces of Fragile X|

Our son Cody was diagnosed with Fragile X after his daycare told me that he was not a "normal" 2.5 year old.  So, I began to seek out help from his doctors.  I started out [...]

My Three Beautiful Children

By |2017-07-31T15:34:53-04:00Jul 23, 2011|Faces of Fragile X|

In 1998 and 2001 we had our two daughters. Jessica and Victoria. Jessica showed signs of developmental delays and speech problems, but I was always told she'll be fine. Victoria was right on track developmentally, [...]

Who doesn’t know Sean?

By |2017-07-31T15:34:52-04:00Jul 22, 2011|Faces of Fragile X|

No matter where we go, Sean seems to know everyone - or they know him! We find ourselves asking "Who are these people!"Sean's eyesight is very good and when he spots someone he knows, he [...]

Who doesn't know Sean?

By |2011-07-22T19:46:15-04:00Jul 22, 2011|Faces of Fragile X|

No matter where we go, Sean seems to know everyone - or they know him! We find ourselves asking "Who are these people!"Sean's eyesight is very good and when he spots someone he knows, he [...]

Our Amazing Boy

By |2017-07-31T15:34:51-04:00Jul 22, 2011|Faces of Fragile X|

Our son, Jackson, is the light of our lives. When we received his diagnosis, we had never heard of Fragile X Syndrome. We have been so fortunate to be connected with other amazing families like [...]

Gemon Jones-My Hero

By |2017-07-31T15:34:50-04:00Jul 22, 2011|Faces of Fragile X|

My name is Genia and I am the blessed sister of GeMon aka Money. This young man is one of the most sincere and loving spiritual beings you will ever meet in your life. Through [...]

Making a Splash

By |2017-07-31T15:34:50-04:00Jul 22, 2011|Faces of Fragile X|

Evan has always had that something special and unique about him, you could see it in his eyes and his smile long before we ever heard the term Fragile X syndrome. I am so proud [...]

Miss Mili

By |2017-07-31T15:34:49-04:00Jul 22, 2011|Faces of Fragile X|

We have an extra special little girl with fragile x. Miss Mili is 3. After a year and a half into feeding, speech, and occupational therapy Mili has come a long way from the baby [...]

A Fragile X Story

By |2017-07-31T15:34:47-04:00Jul 22, 2011|Faces of Fragile X|

My name is Lara Bailey and I have Fragile X. My carrier status is that I am a mosaic. I have both the full mutation and the pre-mutation. It was passed down from my mother's [...]

Elise, 8 yrs old

By |2017-07-31T15:34:46-04:00Jul 22, 2011|Faces of Fragile X|

Elise is 8 years old and full of life!! She is happy, bright and kind. Elise continues to thrive on her own and with educational/social intervention as needed. She takes her role as sister, cousin, [...]

Fragile X

By |2017-07-31T15:34:45-04:00Jul 22, 2011|Faces of Fragile X|

My son Grayson was diagnosed with Fragile X Syndrome when he was 7 months old. His pediatrician, who is absolutely the most amazing doctor, noticed that he was mildly delayed. She said that she wanted [...]

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