Gramma’s FX Baby
Eddie is my 2nd grandson, i always knew he'd be a very special little boy! We knew something was wrong with him but didnt know what. He went under multiple tests, untill the verdict came [...]
Our Blessing
This is Caden. Or to us "Little Bit". Caden may be little and cute but he sure leaves a huge impact on people. Words can't explain what a blessing Caden is to us. God has [...]
Cheech & Chong
Zack and AJ Korman are identical twins with a variety of silly nicknames that fit their personalities. They were diagnosed when they were 14 month old babies; now they are 6 years old and are full [...]
Cheech & Chong
Zack and AJ Korman are identical twins with a variety of silly nicknames that fit their personalities. They were diagnosed when they were 14 month old babies; now they are 6 years old and are full [...]
Two Sisters
This is a wonderful picture of me and my sister Marie DeBernardis, who came to see me over Thanksgiving of last year.
My blue eyed angel
Louis, our beautiful son, was diagnosed with FX/autism. He is the light of our life. At first when we got the diagnosis it was devastating. But we realized that just because Louis is not what [...]
Never Give Up
Ryan is my 19 year old son who was diagnosed with full mutation at age 5 in 1996. Fifteen years later, I am thrilled and amazed at what Ryan has accomplished. His "Can Do" attitude and [...]
The Car Guy
Spencer Shelton is a 20-year-old second-year student at Eastern New Mexico University in Roswell, NM, "the center of the alien universe," as Spencer puts it. Spencer's home is in Mesilla, NM, a 3-hour drive from [...]
The Hoeser Family
Hello Fellow Fragile X Families, We are the Hoeser family. We live in Illinois. Our son Joey has Fragile X syndrome. He is now 26 yrs old. Joey has come a long way in his [...]
One of a Kind
Samantha loves collecting things. Whether it's shells on a beach, or rocks on a trail, she will spend hours searching for that special prize. Many, many pencils and erasers have also been collected and are [...]
Sweet Surprise
Toby just turned two at the end of May and he is a sweet and happy addition to our family. I knew I was a carrier so we chose to adopt our older sons, but [...]