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The NFXF Blog


Gramma’s FX Baby

By |Jun 30, 2011|

Eddie is my 2nd grandson, i always knew he'd be a very special little boy! We knew something was wrong with him but didnt know what. He went under multiple tests, untill the verdict came [...]

Our Blessing

By |Jun 30, 2011|

This is Caden. Or to us "Little Bit". Caden may be little and cute but he sure leaves a huge impact on people. Words can't explain what a blessing Caden is to us. God has [...]

Cheech & Chong

By |Jun 30, 2011|

Zack and AJ Korman are identical twins with a variety of silly nicknames that fit their personalities.  They were diagnosed when they were 14 month old babies; now they are 6 years old and are full [...]

Cheech & Chong

By |Jun 30, 2011|

Zack and AJ Korman are identical twins with a variety of silly nicknames that fit their personalities.  They were diagnosed when they were 14 month old babies; now they are 6 years old and are full [...]

Two Sisters

By |Jun 30, 2011|

This is a wonderful picture of me and my sister Marie DeBernardis, who came to see me over Thanksgiving of last year.

My blue eyed angel

By |Jun 30, 2011|

Louis, our beautiful son, was diagnosed with FX/autism.  He is the light of our life.  At first when we got the diagnosis it was devastating.  But we realized that just because Louis is not what [...]

Never Give Up

By |Jun 30, 2011|

Ryan is my 19 year old son who was diagnosed with full mutation at age 5 in 1996. Fifteen years later, I am thrilled and amazed at what Ryan has accomplished. His "Can Do" attitude and [...]

The Car Guy

By |Jun 30, 2011|

Spencer Shelton is a 20-year-old second-year student at Eastern New Mexico University in Roswell, NM, "the center of the alien universe," as Spencer puts it. Spencer's home is in Mesilla, NM, a 3-hour drive from [...]

The Hoeser Family

By |Jun 30, 2011|

Hello Fellow Fragile X Families, We are the Hoeser family. We live in Illinois. Our son Joey has Fragile X syndrome. He is now 26 yrs old. Joey has come a long way in his [...]

One of a Kind

By |Jun 30, 2011|

Samantha loves collecting things. Whether it's shells on a beach, or rocks on a trail, she will spend hours searching for that special prize. Many, many pencils and erasers have also been collected and are [...]

Sweet Surprise

By |Jun 30, 2011|

Toby just turned two at the end of May and he is a sweet and happy addition to our family. I knew I was a carrier so we chose to adopt our older sons, but [...]


By |Jun 30, 2011|

Meet Ian, 7; Avery, 5; and Benjamin, 4.  Each diagnosed with full mutation Fragile X.  Each very unique and wonderful in who they are.  Ian has come further than we ever imagined he would after [...]