Boy to a man Jermaine smith
Jermaime is now 23 he has a job and love to socialize. He has many friends, love talking on the phone and going out. He is the the oldest of four sons. He is loved [...]
Every body knows Jermaine and Jamie
Jermine and jamie grow up to be such a wonderful young men 23 and 18 both love church and love to socialize every where we they both know someone. They are both loved by two [...]
My Extra Special Day
I have had the joy of watching you grow into an amazing young woman. Thank you for being my extra special daughter and sister to your brother. We are proud of you and all that [...]
Focus on Fundraisers: July
Congratulations to some very special Awareness Day Fundraisers:Carmelina's Wine TastingOn Sunday, July 24th, the Fragile X Resource Group of Western Massachusetts gathered at Carmelina's restaurant for appetizers and wine to promote Fragile X Awareness. Guests [...]
Spotlight on LINKS Group: Families for Fragile X
When their son Matthew was diagnosed with Fragile X at the age of 14 months Michele & Paul Kaplan's world crumbled. Thankfully, they were able to attend the International Fragile X Conference in Atlanta two [...]
My Three Beautiful Children
In 1998 and 2001 we had our two daughters. Jessica and Victoria. Jessica showed signs of developmental delays and speech problems, but I was always told she'll be fine. Victoria was right on track developmentally, [...]
Who doesn't know Sean?
No matter where we go, Sean seems to know everyone - or they know him! We find ourselves asking "Who are these people!"Sean's eyesight is very good and when he spots someone he knows, he [...]
Who doesn’t know Sean?
No matter where we go, Sean seems to know everyone - or they know him! We find ourselves asking "Who are these people!"Sean's eyesight is very good and when he spots someone he knows, he [...]
Our Amazing Boy
Our son, Jackson, is the light of our lives. When we received his diagnosis, we had never heard of Fragile X Syndrome. We have been so fortunate to be connected with other amazing families like [...]