This announcement has been posted as a courtesy by the National Fragile X Foundation (NFXF) on behalf of Nashville’s Fragile X Treatment Research Program at Vanderbilt University. The announcement and the parties conducting and sponsoring the research meet guidelines established by the NFXF regarding relevancy and appropriateness to Fragile X. The NFXF takes no position and makes no claims as to the potential benefits of the study including those studies involving medications, and cannot be responsible for any outcomes, lack of outcomes or unintended side effects. Your name or other personal information have not been shared with the researchers/company/institution. If interested in participating in this research, it is your responsibility to use the contact information in this announcement. Additional opportunities for being part of research studies can be found at

Vanderbilt University Medical Center is conducting a study examining social withdrawal symptoms in children and adults with Fragile X syndrome. The Study lasts approximately 15-16 weeks with 6 visits to the Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital and involves several blood draws. There is no cost to you to participate in this study. You will receive evaluations, study visits, and study medication free of charge.

We are looking for males and females 5 to 25 years of age with Fragile X syndrome that exhibit behaviors; such as, not liking to be touched, not reacting to other people, isolating from other children or adults, and being difficult to reach or get through to.

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Or contact Jessie Smith