All Love Threads — Clothing Designed to Benefit the Special Needs Community

By |2022-11-28T12:12:48-05:00Nov 22, 2022|Blog|

Since the birth of his brother Filippo, Guido Raponi has constantly looked for ways to help support the Fragile X and special needs communities. The idea for All Love Threads was born when he looked into his closet and saw a number of unworn, fundraising t-shirts and sweatshirts and saw an opportunity to create fashionable awareness clothing.

The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on School-Aged Children with Fragile X Syndrome

By |2023-05-15T12:50:36-04:00Oct 25, 2022|Blog, Research, Research Results|

The pandemic caused by the spread of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), beginning in early 2020, had an impact beyond anything experienced in recent history. It is important to understand how this pandemic era has impacted school-aged children with FXS so that we may continue to successfully navigate the changes that come with living through a pandemic and to understand what we can improve in the case of a future pandemic.

Exploring Parents’ Concerns Regarding Long-Term Support and Living Arrangements for Their Children with Fragile X Syndrome

By |2023-05-15T12:51:14-04:00Oct 25, 2022|Blog, Research, Research Results|

Given the limited data regarding future planning specific to individuals with Fragile X Syndrome (FXS) and the growing population of this community, this study sought to explore the concerns and challenges caregivers of individuals affected by FXS encounter when considering long-term support plans.

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