About NFXF admin

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So far NFXF admin has created 97 blog entries.

Fragile By Design

By |2017-07-31T15:33:41-04:00Jul 4, 2011|Faces of Fragile X|

Sam Blackwood is a wonderful 2 year old boy who tries hard to please and just as quickly test us with his limits and boundaries. He loves anything that moves and likes to be in [...]

The Loganator

By |2017-07-31T15:33:40-04:00Jul 4, 2011|Faces of Fragile X|

Logan is almost 3 years old, and was diagnosed 1 year ago. He is the sweetest, happiest little guy you could ever meet. He loves to smile and laugh, loves watching Yo Gabba Gabba, swinging, [...]

Our Amazing Children

By |2017-07-31T15:33:35-04:00Jul 2, 2011|Faces of Fragile X|

Alicia is 10 and Lucas is 5. Both full mutation. Both kids were diagnosed a few months ago. It was a hard pill to swallow but we were so glad to finally have a diagnosis. [...]

A Double Blessing!

By |2017-07-31T15:33:39-04:00Jul 2, 2011|Faces of Fragile X|

My husband and I were shocked to learn at my nineteen week ultra sound that we were having twin boys. I gave birth to two seven pound babies on October 21, 2008, named Alexander and [...]

Destination: DISNEYLAND!

By |2017-07-31T15:33:37-04:00Jul 1, 2011|Faces of Fragile X|

Daniel Steiger is 25. He has attended a day-program since 'graduating' in 2005. Daniel also volunteers with local Sheriff's Departments to help paint over graffiti. When asked what he wants for his birthday or Christmas, all Daniel [...]

My Awesome Brother

By |2017-07-31T15:33:37-04:00Jul 1, 2011|Faces of Fragile X|

I have a brother named Matt, he is 10 years old. We like to "camp"(sleep in each others room) and ride bikes together. When I get older I want to become a teacher who helps [...]

Fragile What?

By |2017-07-31T15:33:36-04:00Jul 1, 2011|Faces of Fragile X|

Our oldest son Matt(10) was diagnosed at birth, something we thought we had avoided through some advanced reproductive technology. After the initial shock, we decided we were chosen for our sweet boy. He had the [...]


By |2017-07-31T15:33:35-04:00Jul 1, 2011|Faces of Fragile X|

Benjamen is only 21 months but showes me no matter what he tryes to do he will keep tring till he gets it done. He is so special. He does not let anything stand in [...]

Gramma’s FX Baby

By |2017-07-31T15:33:34-04:00Jun 30, 2011|Faces of Fragile X|

Eddie is my 2nd grandson, i always knew he'd be a very special little boy! We knew something was wrong with him but didnt know what. He went under multiple tests, untill the verdict came [...]

Our Blessing

By |2017-07-31T15:33:33-04:00Jun 30, 2011|Faces of Fragile X|

This is Caden. Or to us "Little Bit". Caden may be little and cute but he sure leaves a huge impact on people. Words can't explain what a blessing Caden is to us. God has [...]

Cheech & Chong

By |2017-07-31T15:33:32-04:00Jun 30, 2011|Faces of Fragile X|

Zack and AJ Korman are identical twins with a variety of silly nicknames that fit their personalities.  They were diagnosed when they were 14 month old babies; now they are 6 years old and are full [...]

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