Sam Blackwood is a wonderful 2 year old boy who tries hard to please and just as quickly test us with his limits and boundaries. He loves anything that moves and likes to be in motion whether it’s on a bike, jet ski, car or boat. He has a great sense of humor and is the messiest eater I know. He loves to be outside, loves most animals and loves to play in water. We are so blessed to have him in our lives and although we didn’t plan for a Fragile X child, when we said we wanted to be parents we knew that anything was possible. I am grateful for the support group through National Fragile X foundation and the other connections I have made to parents in the Fragile X community. Awareness is so important for us all so I hope July 22 will allow us to make new connections to others who need to know what Fragile X is and how to care for those who suffer from this syndrome.

“The greatest boundaries that we face in our lives are very often the ones we create in our minds. Don’t be self-limiting. Own every day.”

If you want to follow Sam’s life and progress, follow me on Twitter at @FragileXSC and visit my YouTube Channel at SCFragileX.