Fragile X Syndrome: Research into Fragile X Syndrome, a common cause of inherited intellectual disability, is starting to generate treatments
The current issue of Neurology Now contains a six page article explaining Fragile X syndrome, the history of Fragile X research and the current status of that research. Our very own Holly Roos is featured. [...]
These Fragile X groups want to know more about you
Several of our Fragile X LINKS Groups have short online surveys for local families to take so that they can stay up to date with your needs and interests. Your feedback is important [...]
Share about a transition point in your life
The National Fragile X Foundation is looking people to share a first-person story from parents/family members point of view facing specific transition points. Submissions will be considered for inclusion into the Fragile X Quarterly and other future foundation communications.
Maximizing Your Child's Educational Experience with Individualized Education Plans
Join us as we speak with Vicki Sudhalter, PhD, about Individualized Education Plans (IEP). Hosted by Robert Miller with Jayne Dixon Weber. The Individualized Education Plan (IEP) is a very influential document in the academic [...]
Public Policy Update: 2012 Federal Budget and Fragile X
By Jeffrey Cohen Director of Governmental Affairs and Advocacy, NFXF The 2012 federal budget remains an unsettled matter. The 2011 fiscal year ends on 9/30 and 2012 begins on 10/1. Under “normal” circumstances the 2012 [...]
Upcoming Events for October 2011
Here are highlights of upcoming Fragile X Events in the month of October and the beginning of November. Check out our Events Calendar to see what else is going on. Click on each event link [...]
September Fragile X Fundraisers Review
Walk for Fragile X September 3, 2011 Milwaukee, WI Fragile X LINKS Group of Wisconsin On September 3, the Fragile X LINKS Group of Wisconsin gathered with friends and family for their first [...]
From the Executive Director: The New CDC Grant Funding for the FXCRC
Robert Miller, Executive Director of the NFXF I don't need to tell you that Fragile X syndrome can have a big impact on families! But exactly what is that impact and what can [...]
Our Fragile X World adds over $7,000 to NFXF
We've previously announced Our Fragile X World through our social media accounts, our Fragile Xtras e-newsletter and the NFXF Quarterly. Our Fragile X World is a community of families and researchers dedicated to using survey [...]
2nd Annual Hat Party
National Fragile X Foundation Board Member Deborah Kwan is hosting the 2nd Annual Hat Party to benefit the NFXF. Come wearing your favorite hat for a night of drinks, appetizers, and dancing! The Northern California [...]
$2.2 Million Grant To Enhance Public Health Knowledge About Fragile X Syndrome
From the New York State OPWDD press release (STATEN ISLAND) The New York State Office for People With Developmental Disabilities' (OPWDD) Institute for Basic Research in Developmental Disabilities (IBR) has been selected to receive a [...]
Spotlight Group: Fragile X Families of SW Chicago
The Fragile X Families of SW Chicago is a newly formed and very active parent support group headed by LINKS Leader, Missy Zolecki. Missy and her husband, Mark have been married for almost 13 years. [...]