Twenty-five-year-old David Inz works three jobs, has mastered public transportation and shares a residence in one of the several large apartment buildings that are home to the 35 young adults in his program. “The information we picked up over many years from Fragile X international conferences, journals and other parents helped us determine what supports and therapies would make it possible for David to keep moving forward,” says his mother, Anita. “Now he is living his own adult life.”

Much like David, nothing has stood still at the National Fragile X Foundation since the day we were founded in 1984. Over many years now, our traditional support and awareness activities have been expanding to include funding for scientific research, educational support for young scientists, legislative advocacy in support of all three Fragile X conditions and much more.

As we launch this 2011 Annual Fund, we are newly committed to continue expanding our focus and reach, to be always and again in transition. To move—Forward! Please join us in our efforts by making the most generous contribution as you can today.

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