American Academy of Pediatrics Hosts New Course on Fragile X syndrome
AAP/CDC course, "Identification, Management, and Caring for Children and Adolescents with Fragile X Syndrome" will be available for pediatricians and other healthcare professionals through August 1, 2025, on the AAP PediaLink platform.
Back to School Resources for Parents (and Teachers) of Fragile X Students
For the upcoming school year, we compiled our most popular school and education resources for parents and teachers.
Announcing Our 2022 NFXF Awardees
Our 2022 NFXF awards are in! Learn more about each award and about each of our awardees.
Using Visual Strategies to Support Daily Function — Presentation
This session builds on treatment best practices and makes the concept of visual supports tangible and applicable across ages and stages of life for those with FXS.
Diagnosis and Treatment of Fragile X-Associated Tremor Ataxia Syndrome — Presentation
In this conference session, Dr. Deborah Hall provides a clinical overview of the diagnosis and treatment of FXTAS, including a summary of its clinical features, treatment options, and information about in-vitro fertilization.
Lifetime Channel Airs “Behind the Mystery of Fragile X Syndrome”
Watch this segment from Lifetime’s daily morning show, The Balancing Act, “Behind the Mystery of Fragile X Syndrome: A Genetic Disorder That Can Cause Learning and Behavior Challenges.”
Neuropsychological Changes in FMR1 Premutation Carriers and Onset of FXTAS
This is the first time that Fragile X premutation carriers have been tracked in a longitudinal study. This study provides evidence for early markers of FXTAS that may be helpful in eventually identifying the best candidates for early, preventive intervention.
Strategies to Improve Executive Functioning for School-Aged Girls with Fragile X Syndrome — Presentation
Jayne Dixon-Weber shares top takeaways from Barbara Haas-Givler's conference presentation strategies for improving executive functioning for girls with Fragile X syndrome
Sibling Perspective Q&A — Panel
Panelists look at and discuss FXS from the perspective of siblings in the household.
Behavior Discussion and Q&A — Panel
With our panel of experts Rebecca Shaffer, Lauren Schmitt, Tracy Murnan Stackhouse, Elizabeth M. Berry-Kravis, and Randi J. Hagerman.
Medication for Fragile X: Anxiety, Irritable Behaviors, and Aggression — Panel
This session discusses the approved medications available to support behavior conditions associated with fragile X syndrome.
Assistive Technology: Tackling the Trends and the Tried & True — Presentation
Learn how Assistive Technology (AT) can be the vehicle affording the opportunity for a person with FXS to be more fully included in play, school, home, work, and the community.