“Wat Up?” and Other Steps to Socialization
“Hey” was one of my son Ian’s first words, and what he quickly learned was that whomever he said that to responded — with something. Usually it was with a smile and friendly tone to their voice, and you know how quickly our children pick up on that positive feeling.
Toilet Training Across the Lifespan — Webinar Replay
Jennifer Epstein provides an overview of methods that support the practice of readiness skills, and helps caregivers understand the common hurdles affecting skill attainment specific to Fragile X syndrome.
Zynerba Shares their RECONNECT trial
Zynerba presented about their prior results and their current RECONNECT during the 2022 Industry Updates keynote session at the 18th International Fragile X Conference.
Healx Shares their IMPACT-FXS trial
Healx Ltd presented about the IMPACT-FXS trial during the 2022 Industry Updates keynote session at the 18th International Fragile X Conference.
Asuragen Shares Their Molecular Testing Capabilities for Fragile X
Asuragen presented about the progress of Fragile X molecular testing during the 2022 Industry Updates keynote session at the 18th International Fragile X Conference.
Tetra Therapeutics Shares their BPN14770 trials
Tetra Therapeutics presented about their prior results and current BPN14770 trials during the 2022 Industry Updates keynote session at the 18th International Fragile X Conference.
Study: Language Study for Children and Adolescents with Fragile X syndrome
Researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and the University of Massachusetts-Amherst are conducting a study to learn about links between learning and language in Fragile X syndrome.
American Academy of Pediatrics Hosts New Course on Fragile X syndrome
AAP/CDC course, "Identification, Management, and Caring for Children and Adolescents with Fragile X Syndrome" will be available for pediatricians and other healthcare professionals through August 1, 2025, on the AAP PediaLink platform.
Back to School Resources for Parents (and Teachers) of Fragile X Students
For the upcoming school year, we compiled our most popular school and education resources for parents and teachers.
Announcing Our 2022 NFXF Awardees
Our 2022 NFXF awards are in! Learn more about each award and about each of our awardees.
Using Visual Strategies to Support Daily Function — Presentation
This session builds on treatment best practices and makes the concept of visual supports tangible and applicable across ages and stages of life for those with FXS.
Diagnosis and Treatment of Fragile X-Associated Tremor Ataxia Syndrome — Presentation
In this conference session, Dr. Deborah Hall provides a clinical overview of the diagnosis and treatment of FXTAS, including a summary of its clinical features, treatment options, and information about in-vitro fertilization.