NFXF Belonging Project

By |2025-01-08T13:30:32-05:00Dec 20, 2024|Blog|

The Belonging Project, one of our newest initiatives, aims to intentionally extend our reach to underserved and underrepresented communities across the United States. Hear from each of the three Fragile X clinics and our own in-house belonging survey, on how we’ve begun work to understand the challenges to diagnosis, treatment, and feeling a sense of community belonging faced by Black, Hispanic, and Native American groups and the providers who serve them.

Happy National Disability Employment Awareness Month!

By |2024-10-10T13:32:33-04:00Oct 9, 2024|Blog|

October is a time that draws the attention of the nation on critical issues related to disability employment, bringing awareness to a subject that we know has importance all year round. We know many individuals living with Fragile X want to work and though some do, not everyone who wants a job has found one that best fits their strengths and skillsets. We are determined to help you educate yourself on the supports that exist and how to best advocate for you or your loved ones needs in the workplace.

A Reflection on the CEO Commission’s 2024 Hill Day

By |2024-10-02T20:11:44-04:00Oct 2, 2024|Blog|

NFXF Executive Director, Hilary Rosselot, and Advocacy Ambassador, Dillon Kelley, attended the CEO Commission for Disability Employment’s Employment Summit and Hill Day in September 2024. It was an inspiring, action-packed few days, and they are excited to share more about their experience and why it matters to the Fragile X community.

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