A Blessing with a smile

By |2017-07-31T15:33:13-04:00Jun 29, 2011|Faces of Fragile X|

Meet Jayson he is 19 going on 20 full mutation and none verbal. We were a slow in getting a proper diagnosis for him. Doctors gave us everything under the sun, until one day at [...]

There is nothing we can't do!

By |2011-06-28T20:36:48-04:00Jun 28, 2011|Faces of Fragile X|

My greatest reward from my journey with 2 boys ( Matthew is 14 and Benjamin is 8 ) with Fragile X is that my mantra has become "There's nothing we can't do!" Since Matthew's diagnosis [...]

Never Give Up

By |2017-07-31T15:33:12-04:00Jun 28, 2011|Faces of Fragile X|

In the spring of 2003, Parker (then 3 1/2) & Allison (7 mo) were diagnosed with Fragile X. In many ways, the diagnoses greatly changed who we are. We went from a family who had [...]

Andrew: The Apple of Our Eyes

By |2017-07-31T15:33:10-04:00Jun 28, 2011|Faces of Fragile X|

We were just another family saying "Fragile WHAT?" when our son Andrew was diagnosed with Fragile X syndrome back in 2002, three months before his 2nd birthday. After his diagnosis, many other carriers were discovered [...]

Brighton's Love of Horses

By |2011-06-28T20:28:40-04:00Jun 28, 2011|Faces of Fragile X|

Hi, we're Marc and Rachael. We have three children ages 11, 5 and 1... one boy and two girls. They all have Fragile X syndrome. Our oldest, our son, embraces his uniqueness and gets so [...]

Jack the teacher

By |2017-07-31T15:33:08-04:00Jun 28, 2011|Faces of Fragile X|

When our son Jackson was diagnosed with Fragile X Syndrome before his third birthday, we went through many emotions. It took awhile to accept that "God doesn't give you anything you cannot handle" and "Everything [...]

One gift

By |2017-07-31T15:33:08-04:00Jun 28, 2011|Faces of Fragile X|

My name is Winston and I'm 6 years old. While my family gives me lots of presents for Christmas, I most enjoy loving on my younger brother, Spencer. It is the one gift I can [...]

Focused on his future

By |2017-07-31T15:33:07-04:00Jun 28, 2011|Faces of Fragile X|

We found out our oldest child Jacob had Fragile X syndrome 3 days after his 3rd birthday in October of 2003. Shortly afterward we discovered his little sister Samantha had the full mutation too... she [...]

A Special Sibling Bond

By |2017-07-31T15:33:06-04:00Jun 28, 2011|Faces of Fragile X|

Josh is a 17 year old, happy and charming young man... one of the kindest and most compassionate teenagers I have ever known. He is severely affected with Fragile X syndrome and Autism and I [...]

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