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The NFXF Blog


Fragile, Not Broken Walk for Knowledge

By |May 31, 2011|

On May 7th, 2011 over 400 people celebrated the 5th Annual Fragile, Not Broken Walk for Knowledge. It poured rained as volunteers from the FX Resource Center of Missouri set up for the event but [...]

The Fabric of Fragile X

By |May 31, 2011|

Facebook, Twitter, email, blogs, conferences, seminars, group barbecues and long phone conversations. What do these have to do with each other and with Fragile X? They are all places where one can go, or tools [...]

Research Study for Premutation Males Ages 18-50

By |Apr 25, 2011|

The University of California, Davis MIND Institute is currently recruiting men with the Fragile X premutation between the ages of 18-50 to participate in a research study focusing on emotion and memory. Participation includes 2 [...]

Take the National IDEA Survey!

By |Apr 13, 2011|

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) will be reauthorized within the next year or two. To prepare for the reauthorization of IDEA, several disability organizations are sponsoring a survey that seeks to answer this [...]

Longitudinal Outcomes & Neuroimaging of FXS…

By |Dec 13, 2010|

Longitudinal Outcomes and Neuroimaging of Fragile X Syndrome + Neurodevelopmental Profiles of Infants and Preschool Age Children with Fragile X Syndrome By Aubrey Rho, Stanford University School of Medicine Mentors: Amy Lightbody, PhD and Allan [...]

Fragile X Premutation and FXPOI

By |Jan 7, 2010|

Analysis of Ovaries from FMR1 CGG Repeat Mice Research Summary: National Fragile X Foundation – Translational Research Grant Renate Hukema PhD - $50,000 Erasmus MC, The Netherlands SPECIFIC AIMS: The CGG repeat sequence located in [...]