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The NFXF Blog


A Blessing with a smile

By |Jun 29, 2011|

Meet Jayson he is 19 going on 20 full mutation and none verbal. We were a slow in getting a proper diagnosis for him. Doctors gave us everything under the sun, until one day at [...]

There is nothing we can't do!

By |Jun 28, 2011|

My greatest reward from my journey with 2 boys ( Matthew is 14 and Benjamin is 8 ) with Fragile X is that my mantra has become "There's nothing we can't do!" Since Matthew's diagnosis [...]

There is nothing we can’t do!

By |Jun 28, 2011|

My greatest reward from my journey with 2 boys ( Matthew is 14 and Benjamin is 8 ) with Fragile X is that my mantra has become "There's nothing we can't do!" Since Matthew's diagnosis [...]

Never Give Up

By |Jun 28, 2011|

In the spring of 2003, Parker (then 3 1/2) & Allison (7 mo) were diagnosed with Fragile X. In many ways, the diagnoses greatly changed who we are. We went from a family who had [...]

Love of Paper Leads to Work as an Adult

By |Jun 28, 2011|

Jodi has always had a love of paper... coloring, drawing, worksheets and creating notes and letters to pass out to people she knows. One day when she was in elementary school we watched her quickly [...]

Andrew: The Apple of Our Eyes

By |Jun 28, 2011|

We were just another family saying "Fragile WHAT?" when our son Andrew was diagnosed with Fragile X syndrome back in 2002, three months before his 2nd birthday. After his diagnosis, many other carriers were discovered [...]

Cape Cod Vacations and College Plans

By |Jun 28, 2011|

Patrick, 19 non verbal, affected, full mutation with sister, Kelley, 17, full mutation at the beach last summer. This picture involves one of Patrick's favorite things to do with his family. We go to Cape [...]

Brighton's Love of Horses

By |Jun 28, 2011|

Hi, we're Marc and Rachael. We have three children ages 11, 5 and 1... one boy and two girls. They all have Fragile X syndrome. Our oldest, our son, embraces his uniqueness and gets so [...]

Brighton’s Love of Horses

By |Jun 28, 2011|

Hi, we're Marc and Rachael. We have three children ages 11, 5 and 1... one boy and two girls. They all have Fragile X syndrome. Our oldest, our son, embraces his uniqueness and gets so [...]

Jack the teacher

By |Jun 28, 2011|

When our son Jackson was diagnosed with Fragile X Syndrome before his third birthday, we went through many emotions. It took awhile to accept that "God doesn't give you anything you cannot handle" and "Everything [...]

One gift

By |Jun 28, 2011|

My name is Winston and I'm 6 years old. While my family gives me lots of presents for Christmas, I most enjoy loving on my younger brother, Spencer. It is the one gift I can [...]

Focused on his future

By |Jun 28, 2011|

We found out our oldest child Jacob had Fragile X syndrome 3 days after his 3rd birthday in October of 2003. Shortly afterward we discovered his little sister Samantha had the full mutation too... she [...]