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The NFXF Blog


Where is the Hope?

By |Oct 24, 2017|

Getting a diagnosis is hard. It’s really hard. There has been nothing else like it in my life and I cannot imagine there ever will be. It made me sad … really sad.

10 Rules of Time-Out

By |Sep 14, 2017|

I have found these 10 time-out “rules” to be the keys to success. They are based on the fundamental principles and incorporate adaptations for children with Fragile X syndrome by accommodating repetition, consistency, and predictability.

Please Donʼt Poo Poo This Article

By |Sep 14, 2017|

This is one more story about children who do not want to go poo … in the toilet. It is probably not for the faint of heart, though it does make you realize that you will do anything for your children.

Education and Fragile X Syndrome

By |Sep 14, 2017|

Children whose development is affected by Fragile X syndrome are eligible for special education services. Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), a federal law, provides for services to children from birth [...]

Reasons to Visit a Clinic

By |Sep 8, 2017|

While every Fragile X clinic is set up a little differently, they all offer similar services. They are staffed by people who understand Fragile X. Examples of evaluations offered at clinics through an initial intake include: medical, [...]

Planning Your Visit to a Fragile X Clinic

By |Sep 8, 2017|

Why should you visit a Fragile X clinic? Because you won’t hear, “Fragile what?” You will have the opportunity to meet with a team of people who will be able to provide guidance in many [...]