A Fragile X Question on Jeopardy!
Yes, that's correct Fragile X syndrome was mentioned when Mike asked for "Fragile for $400" on Thursday nights episode of Jeopardy. http://youtu.be/Ujr5jhZgzvY
Yes, that's correct Fragile X syndrome was mentioned when Mike asked for "Fragile for $400" on Thursday nights episode of Jeopardy. http://youtu.be/Ujr5jhZgzvY
Linda Sorensen, MS Associate Director I received an interesting phone call back in the fall of 2008. It was from Joan Canel, and she wanted to know why there wasn’t more going on in [...]
The Christoff and Frey families have been involved with the Fragile X community since Mitchell Christoff was diagnosed with Fragile X syndrome at age 3 back in 2002. Mitchell turns 14 in April, he enjoys [...]