With Barbara Haas-Givler

Barbara Haas-Givler, BCBA, is the clinic director at the Geisinger Fragile X Center in Pennsylvania. She took the time to share some thoughts, tips, and methods for caregivers on supporting your child with Fragile X syndrome during special times, like the COVID-19 response. Starting with taking care of yourself first (like when the flight attendant tells you to put on your oxygen mask before helping others) to day-to-day strategies like schedules, social stories, activities, and more. Take 17 minutes to listen — it is worth your time.

Here are some additional resources:

After watching the video, please let us know if you have any questions by filling out the form below. Jayne Dixon Weber will try to answer as many as she can and/or it may forward them to Barb. 


We’re Here to Help During This Extraordinary Time

LINDA SORENSEN — With most of us staying at home now, we’re committed to providing you with the most timely and meaningful educational resources we have available. This includes sharing a series of articles, video series, and webinars.