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The NFXF Blog


The Fabric of Fragile X

By |May 31, 2011|

Facebook, Twitter, email, blogs, conferences, seminars, group barbecues and long phone conversations. What do these have to do with each other and with Fragile X? They are all places where one can go, or tools [...]

Research Study for Premutation Males Ages 18-50

By |Apr 25, 2011|

The University of California, Davis MIND Institute is currently recruiting men with the Fragile X premutation between the ages of 18-50 to participate in a research study focusing on emotion and memory. Participation includes 2 [...]

Take the National IDEA Survey!

By |Apr 13, 2011|

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) will be reauthorized within the next year or two. To prepare for the reauthorization of IDEA, several disability organizations are sponsoring a survey that seeks to answer this [...]

Longitudinal Outcomes & Neuroimaging of FXS…

By |Dec 13, 2010|

Longitudinal Outcomes and Neuroimaging of Fragile X Syndrome + Neurodevelopmental Profiles of Infants and Preschool Age Children with Fragile X Syndrome By Aubrey Rho, Stanford University School of Medicine Mentors: Amy Lightbody, PhD and Allan [...]

Fragile X Premutation and FXPOI

By |Jan 7, 2010|

Analysis of Ovaries from FMR1 CGG Repeat Mice Research Summary: National Fragile X Foundation – Translational Research Grant Renate Hukema PhD - $50,000 Erasmus MC, The Netherlands SPECIFIC AIMS: The CGG repeat sequence located in [...]