Questions & Answers About Clinical Trials
Our latest podcast features Robert Miller of the National Fragile X Foundation and representatives of the the major pharmaceutical companies involved in ongoing Fragile X Clinical Trials. We have Dr. Paul Wang, Vice President, Clinical Development of [...]
A Mother's Touch!
We hope everyone has a wonderful Mother's Day today. We'd like thank everyone who participated in our calls for submissions. It is an honor to serve families with such dedicated mothers! [youtube][/youtube]
New Hotel Reservation Information!
As of the first week of May, the NFXF room block at the InterContinental Miami has been SOLD OUT! For your convenience, we have contracted another block of rooms at the same great rate [...]
Fragile X Mentioned in Newsweek Magazine
The National Fragile X Foundation is pleased to see a mention of Fragile X syndrome in Newsweek in an article on special needs called "When Love is Not Enough". The article contains 4 paragraphs about [...]
A Quick Weekend Update
Robert Miller Executive Director National Fragile X Foundation This past weekend I spent three days in Miami for the Annual Meeting of the Board of Directors. The board renewed its dedication and commitment [...]
What's Happening at the Conference?
Make sure your sails are set for due course to Miami this summer! Ahoy! Check out the eXciting speakers and presentations line up. Anchor your hotel reservations today. Buoy your bank account (save $$) by [...]
You Can Help Our Fragile X World
Your answers will help give a better understanding of how Fragile X syndrome affects families and children What job opportunities are available to young adults with Fragile X syndrome? When do parents tell a daughter [...]
The Conference Agenda is Now Available
The preliminary agenda for the 13th International Fragile X Conference is now available for viewing. This agenda contains the presentation titles, speakers and times scheduled at the conference. Note: Topics, times [...]
National Call-In Day in Support of the ABLE Act , Wednesday April 25, 2012
The National Fragile X Foundation is co-hosting National Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Act Call-In Day on Wednesday, April 25, along with Autism Speaks, National Down Syndrome Society, Muscular Dystrophy Association, NDSC, and several [...]
A Mother's Touch image request
Mother’s Day is fast approaching and this year we’re focusing on a Mother’s Touch. We'd like people to share an image they may have of someone affected by a Fragile X-associated disorder and their mom. [...]
UI Opened the State's First Fragile X Clinic in 2010
Logan Edwards Fragile X — a rare chromosomal mutation — is difficult to recognize, but those advocating for its treatment say they hope the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics will bring better local [...]
JS Genetics Announce Launch of its Bloodless, Cheek Swab Test for Fragile X Syndrome
New Haven Conn., April 18, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- JS Genetics announces the launch of XCAT-FX, its propitiatory buccal swab test for the detection of Fragile X syndrome. Fragile X syndrome is the most common cause [...]