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The NFXF Blog


Introductory Discussion on Estate Planning — Webinar

By |Jan 25, 2024|

We hosted an introductory discussion on bequests, wills, trusts, life insurance, and IRA transfers. The panel provided insight on navigating the complexities of wealth transfer, ensuring your legacy is preserved and your loved ones are well cared for.

The National Fragile X Foundation — 1984: The Beginning

By |Jan 24, 2024|

At the beginning of the 1980s, a young developmental pediatrician, Dr. Randi Hagerman, was building a career at Children’s Hospital Colorado. Her curiosity led her to some of the early papers on X-linked intellectual disabilities (in particular, those of Dr. Gillian Turner from Australia) and descriptions of what was still often referred to as Martin-Bell Syndrome.

Emotion Dysregulation in Fragile X Syndrome

By |Jan 19, 2024|

By Mya Jones Authors:  Rebecca C Shaffer, Debra L Reisinger, Lauren M Schmitt, Martine Lamy, Kelli C Dominick, Elizabeth G Smith, Marika C Coffman, Anna J Esbensen Summary: A large portion of individuals with Fragile [...]

A Fragile X Christmas!

By |Jan 9, 2024|

Denny and Marcia Haugen know how to throw a party! Their December 9, 2023, second annual Fragile X Christmas party in Waverly, Iowa, was a smashing success.