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The NFXF Blog


What Do We Know About Cognitive Functioning in FXTAS?

By |Jul 30, 2013|

Since its identification less than a decade ago, researchers have learned a good deal about Fragile X-associated tremor/ataxia syndrome (FXTAS). Not surprisingly, each advance has raised a set of new questions. Progress seems to [...]

My Child Won’t Answer Questions!

By |Jul 29, 2013|

Direct questions are typically the way we try to engage people in conversation. For children with FXS, we need to learn other strategies. It is critical to understand why it is so difficult for children with FXS to understand and respond to these questions, before we get to the how of getting answers.

Fragile X Infographic

By |Jul 22, 2013|

We've put together a special infographic that you can share with your friends to in turn share with their friends and family. It shows the many ways Fragile X can affect impact a family. We hope it helps you continue to spread awareness!

Let's Talk Medication For Fragile X Syndrome

By |Jul 8, 2013|

Given the great number of medications in the market that address specific issues with fragile X syndrome, the world of treatment can be tough for parents and other caregivers to navigate. One of the most frequent questions they ask is, "Which medication is best for my child?" The National Fragile X Foundation is pleased to address this topic in the first of its series of "Let's Talk" webinars. "Let's Talk Medication for Fragile X Syndrome" features Dr. Craig Erickson, a noted Fragile X expert and medical director of the Fragile X Clinic in Cincinnati, Ohio.

What Defines a Carrier?

By |Jun 26, 2013|

Why is there so much variability among male and female Fragile X carriers? There are a number of factors involved. Because the Fragile X gene is X-linked, gender plays a big role in determining who might show symptoms. Male premutation carriers, because they have only one X chromosome, are much more commonly affected by FXTAS than are female carriers.