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The NFXF Blog


The 1990s and the NFXF Becoming a True National Organization

By |Mar 19, 2024|

Thankfully, we’ve come a long way since the day when FXS was jokingly referred to as “Fragile WHAT Syndrome?!” In the 1990s, many changes were taking place as a result of the increased scientific study of Fragile X and how the growing body of knowledge was impacting the work of the Foundation. 

Grief and Bereavement Experiences of Children with Intellectual Disabilities

By |Mar 11, 2024|

Researchers at the University of Maryland are looking to understand how children with Fragile X syndrome (FXS) and other intellectual disabilities grieve the loss of a loved one. If you are the parent or guardian of a child with FXS or another intellectual disability who has experienced the death of someone in their life when they were 5-17 years old, researchers want to talk to you.

The National Fragile X Foundation — The Early Years: 1984–1990s

By |Feb 20, 2024|

The focus in the early years of the NFXF was to “get the word out!” During that time period, the inherited nature of Fragile X was not fully understood. However, early pioneers in the Fragile X world, such as Dr. Stephanie Sherman and Dr. Ted Brown, were steadily making progress in sorting out the genetics.