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The NFXF Blog


WA: Fragile X Conference

By |Mar 3, 2017|

Join our families in the northwest for their annual Fragile X Conference, featuring Dr. Randi Hagerman and Dr. Paul Hagerman!

MN: Beaver Island Brewing Event

By |Feb 26, 2017|

Get excited for the Fragile X of Minnesota's 2nd Annual Fundraiser at Beaver Island Brewing Company! Good beer, good times and a good cause!

MN: Beaver Island Brewing Event

By |Feb 26, 2017|

Get excited for the Fragile X of Minnesota's 2nd Annual Fundraiser at Beaver Island Brewing Company! Good beer, good times and a good cause!

Passion for Community and Support Key to Success for Annual Conference

By |Feb 22, 2017|

When Tammy and Andy Selinger received their daughter’s diagnosis in 1994, even their doctor was unsure what it meant. He just told them the test was positive for Fragile X. One of their first calls was to the National Fragile X Foundation, where they were connected to a long-time volunteer, Margaret Israel, who spent more than an hour and half on the phone with them. The support they found during such a critical time motivated them to get involved because as Andy says, “Nobody should get diagnosed without someone to talk to.”

Greater Atlanta Hosts Incredibly Successful Brew Fest

By |Feb 17, 2017|

With the support of their community, NFXF board members and outstanding CSN leadership, Greater Atlanta Fragile X hosted an amazingly successful Brew Fest event for the second year in a row.

Local Tournament Raises over $1,100 for NFXF

By |Feb 17, 2017|

What happens when you combine friendly competition and a campaign to raise awareness of Fragile X? Tremendous success! Western Massachusetts participated in the 2nd annual Hadley Cornhole Championship, raising awareness and over $1,100 for NFXF!

CT: 10th Annual Conference

By |Feb 12, 2017|

Fragile X Society of Connecticut 10th Annual Conference Date: October 21, 2017 Time: Location: University of Connecticut Health Center 263 Farmington Avenue Farmington, CT 06030 Hosts: Fragile X Society of Connecticut Details Save [...]

Critical Incident Management for Mothers of Children with Fragile X Syndrome

By |Feb 9, 2017|

Dealing with critical incidents is very important for caregivers of individuals with Fragile X syndrome (FXS), particularly biological mothers. Unfortunately, critical incidents occur frequently for many caregivers of children with FXS. Behavioral outbursts and aggression are critical incidents that take place in the home or in the community. For biological mothers of children with FXS who carry the premutation gene, there is the added predisposition to anxiety, as well as other emotional concerns (Coleman & Riley, 2014), which can amplify their response to these critical incidents.

Change of Command Celebration for Missouri

By |Feb 9, 2017|

After eight years of dedicated service, Diane Southard stepped down at president. We gathered as a group to celebrate her accomplishments and formally welcome Sara Hamilton into the role!

Moms' Night Out with Southeastern Pennsylvania

By |Feb 9, 2017|

[mpc_image preset="preset_2" image="26932" margin_divider="true" margin_css="margin-bottom:15px;" image_size="700_thumb" image_opacity="100" image_inner_border_gap="0" effect="none" image_hover_opacity="100" mpc_ribbon__disable="true" animation_in_type="transition.expandIn" animation_in_offset="100" animation_in_duration="1200" animation_in_delay="600"]In mid-January, our Southeastern Pennsylvania group hosted a moms' night out, and it was a tremendous success! They enjoyed good food [...]