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The NFXF Blog


Faces of Fragile X: Spencer

By |Sep 27, 2019|

Meet Spencer, who has Fragile X syndrome. He loves Power Rangers and did a spectacular job presenting at the 16th NFXF International Fragile X Conference.

Faces of Fragile X: Aaron

By |Sep 13, 2019|

I tell people Aaron is not just my son, he's my universe! He is 40 years old. He was one of the first to be diagnosed. He has had many therapies that have ultimately helped him. He is funny and bright in so many ways.

What is Early Check?

By |Sep 13, 2019|

Early Check is a unique voluntary research study that screens newborns for Fragile X syndrome and the premutation and Spinal Muscular Atrophy free of charge. It gathers important information and hopes to show the benefits of early testing and treatment and improve newborn screening (NBS) across the United States.

Faces of Fragile X: Brian

By |Aug 13, 2019|

Brian loves to be outside. He loves sports. He is on two baseball teams and a basketball team. He loves to bowl. He loves spending time with his friends. He is always helping and looking out for his friends and family. He struggles with managing his behaviors. Sometimes it is all people notice, which is sad because he is so much more.

Faces of Fragile X: Nathan

By |Aug 9, 2019|

Nathan has Fragile X syndrome. Read about what his mom loves about him and wants others to know about Fragile X.