Preventive Care Services in Fragile X Syndrome
Research Summary // About nine out of 10 children and young adults with Fragile X syndrome received the immunizations recommended by CDC between birth and 18 years of age.
Faces of Fragile X: Spencer
Meet Spencer, who has Fragile X syndrome. He loves Power Rangers and did a spectacular job presenting at the 16th NFXF International Fragile X Conference.
A Workplace Fundraiser You’ll Want to Copy
Matt Faruolo wanted to do something to raise awareness about Fragile X, so he decided to host a weeklong fundraising event at work. Here’s how he did it.
New Research Documents Other Premutation Carrier Issues
While two Fragile X-associated disorders affecting premutation carriers are well documented and accepted by the medical community, other effects of the premutation are a source of debate among the medical community because there has [...]
Early Development of Young Children with Fragile X in North Carolina
RTI Int’l and UNC at Chapel Hill are conducting a research study to learn more about early development of young children with Fragile X in North Carolina, and the experiences of their parents when obtaining the diagnosis and early intervention services.
Joshua’s Mom on Participating in Fragile X Clinical Trials
Diane and her son Joshua volunteered for a clinical trial a little over a year ago. In this heartwarming video, his mom shares how their family made the decision to participate, and what the experience has been like so far.
Faces of Fragile X: Aaron
I tell people Aaron is not just my son, he's my universe! He is 40 years old. He was one of the first to be diagnosed. He has had many therapies that have ultimately helped him. He is funny and bright in so many ways.
What is Early Check?
Early Check is a unique voluntary research study that screens newborns for Fragile X syndrome and the premutation and Spinal Muscular Atrophy free of charge. It gathers important information and hopes to show the benefits of early testing and treatment and improve newborn screening (NBS) across the United States.
Back to School Resources for Parents (and Teachers) of Fragile X Students
For the 2019 school year, we compiled our most popular school and education resources for parents and teachers.
Drug Interventions for IAAS in Fragile X Syndrome
Research Summary // A regularly cited group of behaviors in individuals with Fragile X syndrome, particularly males, is irritability, agitation, aggression and self-injurious behaviors.
Faces of Fragile X: Brian
Brian loves to be outside. He loves sports. He is on two baseball teams and a basketball team. He loves to bowl. He loves spending time with his friends. He is always helping and looking out for his friends and family. He struggles with managing his behaviors. Sometimes it is all people notice, which is sad because he is so much more.
Faces of Fragile X: Nathan
Nathan has Fragile X syndrome. Read about what his mom loves about him and wants others to know about Fragile X.