The Launch of the International Fragile X Premutation Registry
Now you can explore the International Fragile X Premutation Registry page on the NFXF website. You will find information about the Registry, a Frequently Asked Question section, the pictures and biographies of the Advisory Committee, and the “Enroll Now” button. The “Enroll Now” button will take you to the HIPPA-compliant REDCap database where your information will be stored.
Camping and Fragile X
Because of the hard work of NFXF advocates over the past 20 years, decision-makers in Congress know what Fragile X is. Being present, persistent, and problem-solving is what gets things done in Congress.
Clustering of Comorbid Conditions Among Women Who Carry an FMR1 Premutation
RESEARCH RESULTS ROUNDUP — The authors sought to clarify how often other health-related conditions, such as migraines and sleep problems, occur among women with a premutation.
Cerebellar-Cortical Function and Connectivity during Sensorimotor Behavior in Aging FMR1 Gene Premutation Carriers
RESEARCH RESULTS ROUNDUP — Investigation into how aging as a premutation carrier of the FMR1 gene may affect sensorimotor (exactly as it sounds, both sensory and motor) brain systems.
Inhibition Deficits Are Modulated by Age and CGG Repeat Length in Carriers of the FMR1 Premutation Allele Who Are Mothers of Children with Fragile X Syndrome
RESEARCH RESULTS ROUNDUP — Older mothers of children with Fragile X syndrome who have mid-range CGG repeats (~80–100) may be at increased risk for difficulties with inhibition.
Factor Structure of the Aberrant Behavior Checklist in Fragile X Syndrome
FORWARD // There may be circumscribed times when the new algorithm may be appropriate for scoring, namely when anxiety or social avoidance constructs are the central and unequivocal domains of interest.
Life with Fragile X: Who is Helping Who?
We’re always looking for new ways to share and raise awareness about Fragile X, life with Fragile X, and the individuals and families it affects. Here we talk with Laura Dooling and her life with three cousins with Fragile X syndrome.
Telehealth Visits: Suggestions for Parents on How to Prepare
As the option to do telehealth visits opened up over the past six months, we have gathered information to help you make the most of your online visit for your child with Fragile X syndrome, whether they are a young child or an adult.
Stopping the Stuffing — Therapy Programs for You and Your Child
If you’re the parent of a child with Fragile X syndrome, you’re probably very familiar with mouth stuffing. Mouth stuffing for kids with FXS is usually an adaptive means of trying to succeed with eating.
The 5th Annual Bike to X Out Fragile X
The 5th Annual Bike to X Out Fragile X is in the books and another success in raising support and awareness of Fragile X in Iowa. Nancy Carlson, the NFXF Heartland Chapter leader and Fragile X mom tells us all about it.
Fragile X Syndrome Self-Advocates Share Their Challenges and Triumphs — Presentation
One of the most common questions related to Fragile X is what limitations does a person with Fragile x syndrome have? Meet Allison Cohen, Michael Cohen, Doug Cooper, Aaron Heisel, Samantha Rhodes, Joshua Rocker, Jodi Selinger, Spencer Shelton, and Cassie Stringer.
From One Caretaker to Another
Being the caretaker of someone with special needs, such as Fragile X syndrome, can be daunting. Isabel looks back at her journey, sharing advice and encouragement for new caregivers or those who have been doing it for years.