How is Fragile X syndrome inherited?
This infographic and two-minute tip video answer the question, How is Fragile X syndrome inherited. It is one of the most common questions about Fragile X.
Study: Adolescents and Adults with IDD Needed for a Spatial Abilities Study
The Spatial Development Lab at Montclair State University is conducting a research study to learn about spatial abilities, such as why we sometimes get lost in the environment.
Tips for Flying on an Airplane
Traveling with your young or adult child with Fragile X syndrome on an airplane can be very stressful for both of you. These tips are provided by parents based on their experiences with their own children. Find what works for you, your child, and your family.
Using Mindfulness and Acceptance Techniques to Reduce Stress — Webinar
Dr. Anne Wheeler provides an overview of stress vulnerability in women with (and without) a premutation, and how mindfulness-based techniques can be helpful for increasing mindfulness, reducing stress, and improving overall well-being.
In Memory of Steve Warren
As a geneticist and academic, Warren’s contributions to the understanding of Fragile X and to the broader Fragile X community are immense. In addition to being a gifted scientist, he was an outstanding leader, mentor, and friend who will be greatly missed.
Females and Fragile X Syndrome — Webinar
Dr. Braden helps us understand the difference between males and females with Fragile X syndrome as well as strategies for common challenges for females that include executive functioning and relationships.
Welcome to Our Newest 2021 Board Members
On behalf of the NFXF Board of Directors, I am excited to welcome our newest class of directors for 2021. This group of individuals have all been active members of our Fragile X community for many years and contribute in all areas of outreach.
Fragile X Awareness Signs
We designed several Fragile X awareness yard signs so you can choose one that serves you best. Each are printed on-demand and shipped directly to you with everything you need to display them in your yard for all of July or even longer if you choose.
AI–Assisted Phenotype Discovery of Fragile X Syndrome in a Population-Based Sample
This study is important for later-diagnosed individuals as it creates successful predictive models that can identify cases five years earlier than clinical diagnosis.
Emergence of Developmental Delay in Infants and Toddlers With an FMR1 Mutation
Data from 8 unique studies speaks to the necessity of early identification of FXS, which leads to earlier, effective medical and non-medical interventions.
COVID-19 Check-In: Month 15 — Ready for Re-Entry?
Jayne offers advice to Fragile X families in transitioning back after post-COVID-lockdowns, from school, to housing, to work, and more.
Benefit of BPN14770 for Cognition and Daily Function in Fragile X Syndrome
Your summary of the results, including why it matters to you and next steps, from the Dr. Liz Berry-Kravis and Tetra Therapeutics BPN14770 trial results published in Nature Medicine. This was a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, two-period crossover study.