Opportunities for Families

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Infants with FMR1 Premutation or Fragile X Syndrome

By |2012-10-12T10:31:56-04:00Oct 12, 2012|Opportunities for Families|

The University of South Carolina’s Neurodevelopmental Disorders Lab is currently recruiting families with infants 10 months and younger who have been diagnosed with the FMR1 premutation or full mutation Fragile X. We are interested in learning about the early development of infants who are at risk for developmental delay to promote early diagnosis and treatment for these children and their families.

Study on Transition from Adolescence to Adulthood

By |2012-09-07T09:00:30-04:00Sep 7, 2012|Opportunities for Families|

The University of South Carolina recruiting participants for an online study to help identify policies and services needing to be more responsive to your needs and experiences. They are studying the health and participation in various life activities (school, work, family and community life).

Study recruitment: Parent Mediated Language Intervention for Young Children with FXS

By |2011-12-17T07:41:46-05:00Dec 17, 2011|Opportunities for Families|

Young children with Fragile X syndrome and their biological mothers are being recruited to participate in a language intervention study conducted by the research team of Dr. Leonard Abbeduto at the MIND Institute, University of California-Davis. Children should be between 2- and 6-years of age and have little spoken language. The project will teach mothers to interact with their children in ways that support communication and language development.

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