Opportunities for Families

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PIXI Study: Parent-Infant Fragile X Intervention

By |2021-01-25T09:19:33-05:00Jun 9, 2020|Opportunities for Families|

RTI International and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill are conducting an early intervention study to learn about the best ways to support early development in infants identified with the full mutation of Fragile X. Babies 0–9 months old with the full mutation, and their caregivers, may be eligible to participate.

Visual Perception Study

By |2019-09-23T17:47:39-04:00Jun 12, 2019|Opportunities for Families|

Our research is looking at how you see and remember the visual world, and how attention changes what we see. We hope our findings will provide a better understanding of the differences in vision and attention occurring in autism.

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