When Can We Begin Opening ABLE Accounts?

By |2015-10-15T14:35:55-04:00Oct 15, 2015|Advocacy|

After eight long years urging passage by the US House and Senate, the ABLE Act was signed into law by President Obama in December of 2014. But ten months later, no one has been able [...]

What’s Going on in Fragile X Public Policy?

By |2015-06-29T18:18:23-04:00Jun 29, 2015|Advocacy|

Updates on Appropriations The House Appropriations Committee will mark up the '16 Labor-HHS-E spending bill that was passed by the subcommittee last week. The bill includes $153 billion in discretionary funding, which is a $3.7 [...]

ABLE ACT Passes Senate

By |2014-12-17T08:31:13-05:00Dec 17, 2014|2015, Advocacy, Advocacy Day|

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Culminating a nearly eight year effort spanning four sessions of Congress the ABLE Act passed the Senate late Tuesday night with a vote of 76-16. The bill overwhelmingly earlier this [...]

ABLE Passes House

By |2014-12-03T14:59:03-05:00Dec 3, 2014|Advocacy|

Eight Years of Hard Work by Advocates, One Step Closer to Reality Today the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Achieving A Better Life Experience Act. NFXF advocates have been urging their members of Congress to [...]

National Fragile X Advocacy Day: Speaking for Herself

By |2014-03-31T10:46:53-04:00Mar 31, 2014|Advocacy|

2014 marked the 11th National Fragile X Foundation Advocacy Day (NFXFAD) in Washington, DC. Over the past 11 years, our annual advocacy efforts have resulted in nearly $300 million in funding for Fragile X research and clinical support. On March 4th and 5th, nearly 170 advocates participated in more than 160 meetings on Capitol Hill. Your donations played a vital role in funding the NFXFAD program and ultimately made our time in DC a success.

Advocacy From Home: How to Establish Fragile X Awareness Day

By |2013-05-13T12:16:22-04:00May 13, 2013|Advocacy, Central Illinois, Eastern Massachusetts|

We often hear from parents who say they really wish they could do more for Fragile X awareness but cannot due to lack of time, money or childcare. So we are here to say there are multiple ways to get involved and spread awareness right from your own home. One terrific way is to establish a Fragile X Awareness Day in your state. It may sound intimidating but the process is not really a difficult one.

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