With Tracy Murnan Stackhouse
Mindfulness and Me is the first video on this topic from Tracy Stackhouse and Ruth Meissner from Developmental FX.
Here are some additional resources:
- Movement and Meditation Resources from Developmental FX (PDF)
- Bring It Down (YouTube)
- Calming Exercises for Kids: Breathing and Stretching
- Meditation Instructions for Kids
After watching the video, please let us know if you have any questions by filling out the form below. We will try to answer as many as we can or forward them to Tracy and Ruth.
Also from Developmental FX:
- How To’s of Sensory Diets in Fragile X Syndrome With Tracy Stackhouse
- The Unregulated Life of COVID-19 is No Laughing Matter With Tracy Stackhouse

Tracy Murnan Stackhouse, MA, OTR
Tracy Murnan Stackhouse is the co-founder of Developmental FX in Denver. She is a leading pediatric occupational therapist involved in clinical treatment, research, mentoring, and training regarding OT intervention for persons with neurodevelopmental disorders, especially Fragile X syndrome and autism. Tracy teaches nationally and internationally on sensory integration, autism, and Fragile X. Tracy is a member of the National Fragile X Foundation Clinical Research Consortium, the Scientific & Clinical Advisory Committee, and the NFXF Advisory Council.

Ruth Meissner
Ruth Meissner is a speech and language pathologist at Developmental FX in Denver where she provides therapy and evaluation services to children with communication difficulties secondary to neurodevelopmental disorders, including those with Fragile X syndrome. Ruth is a member of the NFXF Scientific & Clinical Advisory Committee.
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