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Two FORWARD papers published in American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A , were the top 10 most-cited papers published during the 2022-2023 period!
Two FORWARD papers published in American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A , were the top 10 most-cited papers published during the 2022-2023 period!
FORWARD // Researchers conducted the first comprehensive analysis of characteristics of sensory symptoms in children with FXS and their impact on families.
FORWARD // Among the different models resulting from the latent class analysis, a 5-class solution yielded the most clinically meaningful pharmacotherapy-independent behavioral subtypes.
FORWARD // We examined the nature and degree of association between health-related quality of life and established measures of functioning in FXS; 155 parents completed the questionnaires on their child as part of the larger CDC-funded FORWARD study.
FORWARD // These findings warrant increased attention to obesity prevention for all individuals with FXS.
FORWARD // This study adds to the understanding of the characteristics, risk factors, and course of seizures in FXS and provides a basis for anticipatory guidance for clinicians and families.
FORWARD // Participants with methylation mosaicism tended to have less severe intellectual disability and better social and functional skills. Knowing more about how FXS differs in people with and without methylation mosaicism may eventually help guide expectations and treatment of individuals with FXS.
FORWARD // This study contributes to the limited understanding of psychopharmacologic management of IAAS in FXS and will help guide future treatment.
FORWARD // Findings showed that sleep difficulties are prevalent in children with FXS and, although they tend to be mild, they are associated with behavioral problems and negative impact to families.
FORWARD // Despite an overall normal developmental trajectory for most measures, individuals with FXS show age-independent but gender-dependent decreases in complex processing of novel stimuli.
FORWARD // There may be circumscribed times when the new algorithm may be appropriate for scoring, namely when anxiety or social avoidance constructs are the central and unequivocal domains of interest.
FORWARD // The simplified diagnosis of ASD, which merged previous diagnoses into a single disorder, has led to its use in plural (autism spectrum disorders) for different purposes.
FORWARD // An efficient and direct measure of social interactions and autism symptoms is needed for Fragile X syndrome research and clinical care.
FORWARD // These findings build on the current understanding of RRBs in Fragile X syndrome based on gender and comorbid ASD.
FORWARD // Caregiver reports tended to give lower estimates of language ability than what was found using an objectively administered assessment.