With Rebecca Shaffer
Keeping a Routine is the first in our series of short videos — My Child is Home… Now What?? — from Rebecca Shaffer, PsyD, director of psychological services at the Cincinnati Fragile X Clinic. We all know routines are important and can be challenging. This is even more true when your child is home full time.

Rebecca Shaffer, PsyD, HSPP
Dr. Shaffer is the director of psychological services for Cincinnati Children’s Fragile X Treatment and Research Center. She performs evaluations necessary for clinical research and provides psychological assessment and behavioral treatment for individuals with Fragile X syndrome, autism spectrum disorders, and Angelman Syndrome.
Survey: Share Your Experience With Telehealth and Services During COVID
Parents or caregivers of individuals with Fragile X syndrome who has received services via telehealth during the COVID-19 pandemic may be eligible to participate.
Telehealth Visits: Suggestions for Parents on How to Prepare
As the option to do telehealth visits opened up over the past six months, we have gathered information to help you make the most of your online visit for your child with Fragile X syndrome, whether they are a young child or an adult.
COVID-19 Check-In: Month 5
What can we do to take care of ourselves and to help others? A mother takes a step back to imagine what life during a pandemic looks like through the eyes of her son, who has Fragile X syndrome.
Getting Comfortable Wearing a Mask
Real-life tips from a mom, Jayne Dixon Weber, who’s already going through this with her own son, plus a a quick video from Rebecca Shaffer to guide you through the process of getting your child comfortable wearing a mask.