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The NFXF Blog


Fragile X Syndrome Can Be Reversed in Adult Mouse Brain

By |Apr 13, 2012|

Robert Miller Executive Director National Fragile X Foundation Readers should know that the researchers involved with this study, and their affiliated institutions and companies, are highly regarded and well-known in the Fragile X [...]

A Letter to Implement the Affordable Care Act

By |Apr 12, 2012|

As part of our continuing public policy activities, we have been monitoring the incremental implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Many of you know that the Act is currently under review by the Supreme [...]

Fragile X got Talent

By |Mar 29, 2012|

Calling all performers with Fragile X: Let’s spice things up in Miami and have some fun with a homegrown Fragile X Talent Show! Do you (or your loved one) sing, play an instrument, dance, act, [...]

Meet our new Development Manager: Julie Stutzman

By |Mar 29, 2012|

Julie Stutzman is the new Development Manager at the National Fragile X Foundation. If you have any questions regarding fundraisers or grants which benefit the Foundation, you can reach Julie at I am thrilled [...]

Across my Desk: Females and FXTAS

By |Mar 29, 2012|

Liane Abrams, MS, CGC Each day I receive calls and emails from parents, relatives and individuals affected by Fragile X-associated Disorders. Many of the emails and calls include questions about FXTAS (Fragile X-associated tremor ataxia [...]

International Fragile X Conference Updates

By |Mar 29, 2012|

Curious about what's going to be at the conference? Here are a few highlights: Keynote presentations by Elizabeth Berry-Kravis MD PhD, Kim Huber PhD, , Stephen Warren PhD, and Rick Guidotti of Positive Exposure [...]

How To Choose an App

By |Mar 29, 2012|

Sarah "Mouse" Scharfenaker There are millions of great apps out there. Here are some guidelines as to how to pick 'em. What is your goal in using a specific app? Reinforcing/practicing concepts from therapies? Keep [...]

A Forward Trajectory

By |Mar 29, 2012|

From the Executive Director Robert Miller Advocacy Day is over – but our Public Policy effort continues: Twenty-three of the twenty-five Fragile X clinics have met – but the work of the Fragile X Clinical [...]

On the Murder of George Hodgins

By |Mar 19, 2012|

Robert Miller Executive Director National Fragile X Foundation Dear Friends in the Fragile X Community, On March 6th, 2011 George Hodgins, a 22-year old autistic man living in Sunnyvale, California, was murdered by [...]