Examining Factors that Lead to Positive Family Adaptation to Fragile X Syndrome
Family adaptation is the process by which parents and other family members adjust, accommodate, or transform their roles and responsibilities to better meet current demands. All families must change and adapt over time, but this [...]
Thank You Again to All of Our 2013 Fundraising Event Partners!
It’s always fun to look back and see the impressive list of events that so many enthusiastic, creative and energetic fundraisers put on each year. And 2013 was amazing! You can just feel the FUN that was had by all!
Understanding the Fragile X Learning Style for Better Results
We often remind fellow interventionists and educators time and time again about the many unique aspects of Fragile X syndrome as well as the resources available online and in print.
Greater Chicago Newsletter: Spring 2014
Research Update Meeting March 22, 2014 1-4 P.M. Dr. Elizabeth Berry-Kravis will speak about current and upcoming research opportunities! The event is being hosted by Avis Primack Location 51 Old Oak Drive Buffalo Grove, IL [...]
Senate Sends Pediatric Research Bill to President’s Desk
The bipartisan “Gabriella Miller Kids First Research Act”—a bill authored by U.S. Rep. Gregg Harper with co-authors U.S. Reps. Peter Welch and Tom Cole—is heading to the president’s desk. The bill funds pediatric medical research [...]
UC Davis MIND Institute Joins Ranks of Elite US Neurodevelopmental Centers
Congratulations to the UC Davis MIND Institute—a member of the Fragile X Clinical & Research Consortium— for being named an Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Research Center. Only a handful of neurodevelopmental centers hold that distinction, and we’re proud to call them our friends and colleagues in the Fragile X community.
Raised Minimum Wage for Federal Employees Includes Employees with Disabilities
On February 12, 2014, President Barack Obama signed an executive order raising the minimum wage for employees of federal contractors, including workers with disabilities, to $10.10/hour beginning in 2015. The signing marks a historic day [...]
Study on Language Development in Fragile X Syndrome
MIND Institute University of California, Davis If you have a son with Fragile X syndrome or a son with autism between 15 and 22 years of age, you and your son are invited to [...]
Introducing… The Community Support Network
One of the most meaningful experiences for a Fragile X family is to meet another family and know you are not alone in this journey. At the National Fragile X Foundation, our mission is to serve you by connecting and supporting individuals and families through our family support network.
Scientists Uncover Trigger for Most Common Form of Intellectual Disability and Autism
It’s a breakthrough in understanding the process, but it is not yet a breakthrough for treating the condition. A new study led by Weill Cornell Medical College scientists shows that the most common genetic form [...]
Assessment of Parental Coping Strategies and Positive Growth
University of Newcastle Genetic disorders in children: An assessment of parental coping strategies and positive growth Following on from our earlier study of how parents disclose a diagnosis of Fragile X syndrome to their [...]
Quick Survey: Treatments for Problem Behaviors in FXS
Please help the NFXF and the Fragile X clinics gather the information necessary to support clinical trials in Fragile X syndrome (FXS) across the country. These studies are designed to find out if medicines commonly [...]