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The NFXF Blog


All Genes Are Not Created Equal

By |Aug 15, 2013|

The gene and protein responsible for causing Fragile X syndrome emerges as a leading candidate in the search for the cause of autism and maybe even schizophrenia.

2013 NFXF Let 'Em Know 5k Results!

By |Aug 14, 2013|

Awareness Begins…and just keeps on spreading and spreading…with YOU! Preparing for National Fragile X Awareness Month in July, we are reminded again of how awareness happens. One person, one fundraising lemonade stand, one parent’s chat [...]

2013 NFXF Let 'Em Know 5K Gallery

By |Jul 31, 2013|

As National Fragile X Awareness Month for 2013 winds down, we want to thank everyone for making our first NFXF Let 'Em Know Virtual 5K a resounding success! With your help getting the word out [...]

What Do We Know About Cognitive Functioning in FXTAS?

By |Jul 30, 2013|

Since its identification less than a decade ago, researchers have learned a good deal about Fragile X-associated tremor/ataxia syndrome (FXTAS). Not surprisingly, each advance has raised a set of new questions. Progress seems to [...]

My Child Won’t Answer Questions!

By |Jul 29, 2013|

Direct questions are typically the way we try to engage people in conversation. For children with FXS, we need to learn other strategies. It is critical to understand why it is so difficult for children with FXS to understand and respond to these questions, before we get to the how of getting answers.