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The NFXF Blog


Greater Chicago Newsletter: Spring 2014

By |Mar 19, 2014|

Research Update Meeting March 22, 2014 1-4 P.M. Dr. Elizabeth Berry-Kravis will speak about current and upcoming research opportunities! The event is being hosted by Avis Primack Location 51 Old Oak Drive Buffalo Grove, IL [...]

Senate Sends Pediatric Research Bill to President’s Desk

By |Mar 13, 2014|

The bipartisan “Gabriella Miller Kids First Research Act”—a bill authored by U.S. Rep. Gregg Harper with co-authors U.S. Reps. Peter Welch and Tom Cole—is heading to the president’s desk. The bill funds pediatric medical research [...]

UC Davis MIND Institute Joins Ranks of Elite US Neurodevelopmental Centers

By |Mar 12, 2014|

Congratulations to the UC Davis MIND Institute—a member of the Fragile X Clinical & Research Consortium— for being named an Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Research Center. Only a handful of neurodevelopmental centers hold that distinction, and we’re proud to call them our friends and colleagues in the Fragile X community.

Introducing… The Community Support Network

By |Mar 2, 2014|

One of the most meaningful experiences for a Fragile X family is to meet another family and know you are not alone in this journey. At the National Fragile X Foundation, our mission is to serve you by connecting and supporting individuals and families through our family support network.

Quick Survey: Treatments for Problem Behaviors in FXS

By |Feb 20, 2014|

Please help the NFXF and the Fragile X clinics gather the information necessary to support clinical trials in Fragile X syndrome (FXS) across the country. These studies are designed to find out if medicines commonly [...]